Thursday, September 13, 2007

Noam Chomsky is a NWO Shill. (Part 23)

Duration: 08:37 minutes
Upload Time: 07-08-01 01:56:26
User: hellsunicorn
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UltimateHater1 ::: Favorites
I guess Chomsky is a "NWO gatekeeper" if you're a moron with no education or you're a stupid American that gets all their information off infowars and other Alex Jones related sites but other wise he is probably not a "NWO gatekeeper".
07-08-07 12:05:07
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
also, sources used by Chomsky in "Understanding Power" can be found here: understandingpower (dot) com/index (dot) htm
07-08-05 22:27:59
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
its best to read my comments from page 2, from the bottom down with "Oldest" selected so it flows from "on the blog link" and up.
07-08-05 22:26:15
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
And Noam proceeds to give a page and a half response, which i will not type up on account of its time consumption, but it is there, in Understanding Power on pages 348-350, and i think it would shed a lot of insight for you hellsunicorn, and others such as Abrahamson and "NWO shill believers".
07-08-05 22:24:38
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
"Noam, you mentioned earlier how "conspiracy theories" take up a lot of energy in the left movements these days, particularly on the West Coast and with respect to the Kennedy assassination--and you said that in your view, it's totally wasted effort. Do you really feel there's nothing at all worthwhile in that kind of inquiry?"
07-08-05 22:22:20
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
on the section of 9-11 Prior Knowledge, Abrahamson quotes from page 348 of Understanding Power (btw incorrectly, the statements he quotes are on 349). again it is out of context quoting, and the proper italicization of the words "Of course they're there (italics on "there") and "...the institutions actually function (italics on "function") are not present. on top of that, there are 5 paragraphs before this quote in which Chomsky addresses a Man's question as follows:
07-08-05 22:19:21
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
I'm not going to continue exposing the lies of the Population Control section, to which the quotes are taken out of context. Besides this section and a very small amount of other lines, nothing is cited on Abrahamson's blog, and to which if the population control section is any indicator, the rest of the sections are also mis-quoted and slanted. But I will check them, and if i find more lies, i'll be sure to post them here.
07-08-05 22:11:19
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
Noam's response continues, but I should point out that the section contained within chapter 2 of which the questions about social planning are asked (p. 61) is titled "Democracy Under Capitalism" to which to get the full meaning of the cited quotes, the section must be read entirely.
07-08-05 22:06:10
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
Like, if there was no social contract involved with driving--everybody was just driving around like a letha weapon, going as fast as they can and forgetting all the traffic lights and everything else--you couldn't make the situation safe just by driving well yourself: it doesn't make much difference if you set out to drive safely if everybody else is driving leathal-weapon, right?"
07-08-05 22:04:08
IntelligentHoodlum ::: Favorites
"Yeah, population control is another issue where it doesn't matter if you (which is italicized} do it, everybody has to do it. It's like traffic: I mean you can't make driving a car survivable by driving well yourself; there has to be kind of a social contract involved, otherwise it won't work." His reply continues:
07-08-05 22:01:58

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