Thursday, September 13, 2007

Majesty - King of Kings and Lord of Lords! - Delirious?

Duration: 05:21 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-26 11:50:29
User: bondservant007
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O Lord, O Lord, how MAJESTIC is Your NAME above the earth! Here I am, humbled by the very thought that I am Your DESIRE. Just as I am. God is not a religion ;-). Religion: 1. An organized system or institution of belief based upon the traditions of men INSTEAD of the pursuit of friendship with God. 2. The act of playing church, exchanging internal truths for external performance; substituting spiritual realities with carnal rituals. You can read (every version of) the bible online at You can read or listen to excellent biblical teaching online at You can read this little book online "Jesus Loves Me" at You can read my blogs, listen to more music, and find more links at You can listen to my favorite online radio station at You can post a comment, rate this, etc. PLEASE do so - to help spread the MESSAGE of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Where is God when things go wrong? Read this book online at Always ride with your LIGHTS ON! This isn't a prayer request, this is an action request: Let the redeemed of the Lord SAY SO! Please rate and distribute this video as much as the Lord leads you. You can help spread God's Word to others, and plant seeds for our Redeemer to grow, by rating this (evidently the more ratings, views, comments, number of times added to favorites, and # of subscribers, the higher the percentage is for more exposure ... for HIM). If you think this message is GOOD NEWS, please say so ;-) Other videos are also available. And this is my prayer for YOU all each and every day: HEY! JUDE 24 & 25: "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, "to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen."

kelbel12345 ::: Favorites
this is a great song one of my favourites at elevate
07-09-04 10:02:41
midnimo5 ::: Favorites
The greates misfortune of the human being is that about two billion people on Earth are still worshipping Human being in 21st century.
07-09-02 09:11:09
christian21693 ::: Favorites
Continued from my last post: Please help me to use that power. Lord, You stepped dwon from Heaven and went to the pits of hell. There You found me. You said this one is mine. You took my hand and led me out of hell. Lord, I pray that You will once again cover me with the Blood of the Holy Lamb who was slain. Please Lord. I am sorry. I want to repent right now Lord. Help me to live a holy life, a life pleasing to You. I pray this in Your Holy Name. Amen. John
07-08-30 17:47:21
christian21693 ::: Favorites
Father, I love You. I thank You for sending Your Only Son to die for someone who doesn't deserve Your grace. Lord, that someone is me. I don't deserve Your Love. I keep sinning against You. Lord, please forgive me. Lord, I am very sorry. I know You gave me the power to say no to sin.
07-08-30 17:47:01
bendyjojo ::: Favorites
who sings this?? its good purity in innocence - watch
07-08-29 05:51:00
Hime17 ::: Favorites
man...i love this reminds me of how much wonderful things God has done for me...when I first heard it at Super Summer i just started crying.....really moving song =D
07-08-24 23:52:11
bondservant007 ::: Favorites
We are FOREVER changed.
07-07-30 15:37:31
bondservant007 ::: Favorites
google images from nasa for more nebulas ;-)
07-07-30 15:36:59
christian21693 ::: Favorites
Sorry that I can't post the rest of my prayer. John
07-07-30 15:01:27
christian21693 ::: Favorites
Lord, You are forever Holy. I want to Praise Your Holy Name. You WILL reign FOREVER! Lord, I thank You for dieing for a sinner like me. I am sorry for all the wrong I have done. I am sorry. I lay facedown crying because of Your AMAZING Love. You sent Your ONLY Son to die for me. I LOVE You. I thank You. I pray for the world. It is filled with evil and darkness. Let my brothers and sisters and I be the Shining Light in this world of darkness.
07-07-30 14:59:04

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