Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mike Sheridan at Lounge 2007

Duration: 00:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-19 11:45:20

Turn table wizard Mike at the controls at Lounge stage, Roskilde 2007


Silentmotion Summer Gathering - Devon Jam 2007

Duration: 10:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-05 03:56:41

Silentmotion Summer Gathering - Devon 2007


duhakii  2008-02-26 17:05:59

Which one ?
dannyhutchins003run  2008-02-26 16:44:49

hey man cool vid, wats the song called?
duhakii  2008-02-11 17:06:20

It was a field on my friends farm.
Gemini373  2008-02-11 15:26:09

Nice training there looked like you guys really enjoyed yourselves. Also, was that an actual campsite or did you just go to a random field.
ParkourPadChandler  2008-02-04 07:48:53

Awesome i cant wait til summer so i can come with you guys

Tokyo Mew Mew Amv ~ Runaway

Duration: 04:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-10 14:26:02

Tokyo Mew Mew AMV that I made with this one song, Runaway. I'm sure you will really like this video it is probably one of my best ones yet :D


DirXenGreyXluva  2008-02-21 14:20:03

hey! i added you on y.m so sign on whenever and ill send it to you :) srry i look so long to reply
DirXenGreyXluva  2008-02-21 14:18:37

i ,33 this tune to death it makes my heart shiver...
whitewolfmew  2008-02-05 22:13:59

i know!!! xD and i got them from animemusicvideos(dot)org
animecandygirl  2008-02-05 21:53:00

TOKYO MEW MEW ROCKS!!! X3 btw whered u get the clips?
Mirichan  2008-01-12 01:29:15

Nvm I found it XD

Goodbye-Naruto AMV

Duration: 04:51 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-29 06:44:29

Yet another vidoe by me!!!


theoriginalpunk  2007-09-27 09:52:57

lol :)
ejboii408  2007-08-06 20:54:49

dame i luv this vid :)
theoriginalpunk  2007-07-04 03:54:04

you were tired, what can I do, T_T
SweetlySourPlum  2007-07-03 01:08:50

T.T i love you...D: >.> but making me go to sleep, tssk.


Duration: 02:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-14 05:17:03

This is dedicated to the website Newgrounds...


Recuo  2007-09-10 00:58:43

Stay away from Newgrounds. As said in my above comment, it's FULL of ASSHOLES and RETARDS. And once you're in, you can't help but come back every once and a while
Recuo  2007-09-10 00:57:47

Sucks to be you. But trust me, once you become a regular. You realize it's just full of assholes and retards. Enjoy your gift, NG is so addicting you can almost never leave....
hackeldam  2007-06-09 01:31:20

In my FUCKING country, there's only one FUCKING isp. and that FUCKING isp bans every user from accessing newgrounds even though I heard so many good things about it
Tamryn69  2007-05-14 21:29:21

If you're on cable and they blocked your isp address, wait until your ISP address changes and get a new membership. Simple
aliendudeuk  2007-02-19 03:13:48

lol,nwgrounds for eva!

SSB64 Sensei (Red Fox) VS. Dark Link X (Fox) 2

Duration: 03:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-09 21:04:14

Winner's Bracket Round 2. Second match from the best of three. NJ Tournament.



Duration: 05:07 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-11 17:01:17



Katalyzt  2008-04-03 11:24:22

P.P.S. Finally, discovering something that was once unknown like dark matter and/or electromagnetic waves(which both have [testable] evidence for their existence) is completely different then actually believing in, and actively praying to something that has no evidence what so ever. Interesting questions. I think the video should have been entitled "possibilities" instead. Oh and, sorry that I rolled a little off topic. Katalyzt
Katalyzt  2008-04-03 11:23:27

P.S. We atheists do not try to disprove a negative(that a god does not exist). In fact we atheists generally ask the person that is making the/a claim that a god or gods exist to simply prove it. You will find that most reasonable atheists will believe that a god exists once there is testable/re-testable evidence and/or proof of its existence. Worshiping it is still another matter. Katalyzt
Katalyzt  2008-04-03 11:22:58

Prt3: Examples of the atrocities that were committed due to a belief in a imaginary god, or in support of a belief in a imaginary god: The Inquisitions, Slavery, The Crusades, Witch-hunts, The Holocaust, The subordinate position of women, Abortion clinic bombings/stabbings/killings(doctors, receptionists, police)... And most recently, the atrocity the parents of 11-year-old Madeline Neumann committed, due to their delusional beliefs in imaginary characters. Madeline is dead now. :O( Katalyzt
Katalyzt  2008-04-03 11:22:29

Prt2: You see we live in a country and/or world were people(theists) who believe in imaginary beings are telling us atheists and other theists how to live our lives. Through politics these theists are trying to enforce their backwards, and antiquated morals upon the rest of us(atheists, and theists alike). Stagnating [our science, our cultural and social advancements, and finally our species growth] with their ever-changing beliefs of invisible beings and twisted morals. Katalyzt
Katalyzt  2008-04-03 11:22:07

Prt1: Ultimately I think it has to do with the violence/harm that belief in the imaginary causes. Like the torture, and killing many(not all) theists do in belief of a nonexistent being for a reward of going to an imaginary place("heaven"), and/or the committing of violent acts out of fear; to help a imaginary god with its grand plans while trying to avoid another imaginary place("hell"). Please take no offense, but when I use the word "imaginary", I generally mean [No proof of]. Katalyzt

Brainfreak: Criss Angel spoof part 3

Duration: 01:09 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-22 17:13:11

a funny spoof of criss angel, made at school


naruto online chat #2 naruto vs sasuke

Duration: 06:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-08 15:47:49

enjoy and plz comment. write in the comment section if you want the songs i used :) sorry about the mix up :( i did not notice that until after i made the chat and yes this is online chat 2 not 3 lol


fullnarutoforever  2007-12-09 21:36:00

u mean the flute part(naruto's main theme) and sadness and sorrow?
vallgron  2007-11-26 12:04:09

i love the last two songs realy good bit of a mix up with the songs but u know that allready

LeBron James ALL-STAR Game 08

Duration: 00:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-18 01:05:15

He gets the ball intentionally from Jason Kidd. Dunks infront of Dirk Nowitzki and Amare Stoudamire at the 4th Quarter


MHFCBloodRaven  2008-03-31 01:52:46

ismailkhan123  2008-03-01 09:23:07

what i meant was lebron james sucks. he is gifted for sure and he is one of the best basketball players by far, but at the same time he is an asshole like travisilikBIGBALLS88721, he is cocky, he wants to be the first billionaire basketball player what an ass everyone knows lebron is an ass cause he is so F*** u all
ismailkhan123  2008-03-01 09:23:07

what i meant was lebron james sucks. he is gifted for sure and he is one of the best basketball players by far, but at the same time he is an asshole like travisilikBIGBALLS88721, he is cocky, he wants to be the first billionaire basketball player what an ass everyone knows lebron is an ass cause he is so F*** u all
ismailkhan123  2008-03-01 09:23:06

what i meant was lebron james sucks. he is gifted for sure and he is one of the best basketball players by far, but at the same time he is an asshole like travisilikBIGBALLS88721, he is cocky, he wants to be the first billionaire basketball player what an ass everyone knows lebron is an ass cause he is so F*** u all
ismailkhan123  2008-03-01 09:23:04

what i meant was lebron james sucks. he is gifted for sure and he is one of the best basketball players by far, but at the same time he is an asshole like travisilikBIGBALLS88721 he is cocky, he wants to be the first billionaire basketball player what an ass everyone knows lebron is an ass cause he is so F*** u all