Tuesday, December 4, 2007

John Howard is a farting fossil fool

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-04 22:19:11
User: unalive
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Australian Prime Minister John Howard demonstrates a form of wind power that is not environmentally friendly. But he doesn't care about the environment. Something he's very concerned about is protecting the profits of uranium mining and fossil fuel energy producing companies and their share holders who are getting rich while they're destroying the planet.


cclancy007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 07:11:39

listen mate we here in aus have had 11 years of this tyrant,and it has become a much unhappier unfriendly place compared to what it used to be,so if you want to sprout liberal bullshit go tell it to the wall.if you look through a few writings you will see the list of shame and it's big and in some cases criminal acts,not just humanatarium ,awb,children overboard,weapons mass dest,workchoices,govt foi,brethren,climate change,racism.liberal means money above happiness, health and family
lexxellent ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 07:46:45

why did the Australian Government sign an agreement with the US that allows them to test WMDs in Australia? DEPLETED URANIUM. Shoalwater bay. Birth deformities. Chemically toxic radioactive. Google it. Wake up Australia. Ask your local member about depleted uranium
ignishun ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 08:06:04

if that was fake. WELL DONE BROO [:
oomysoul ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 08:11:26

Sophisticated humour from the left!
mynewkev07 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 12:31:13

i never did it,i wasnt told no body informed me john but i do know we sack you today howard so start friggin packing man your off to the retirement village
dilligafone ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 18:07:15

Just like Hogans Heroes, on the AWB scandal and WMD bullshit - "I Know Nothing" Yeah right!
mynewkev07 ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 18:39:35

howard wasted this countries wealth on silly bush wars and on advertising for his party thats why i just sacked him guys haaaaaaaa
damienist ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 22:24:43

john howard is a genius/rock star/australian legend.
PissedBogan ::: Favorites  2007-11-23 23:38:34

Well it's Sat arvo and I'd just like to be the first to claim victory for Rudd. Good job Kev thanks for fighting so hard for the Aussie families that Howard has abused over the years. Good luck for the future Kev you BLOODY CHAMPION! and ROT IN HELL HOWARD!
the1calledbat ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 05:00:55

it's over rudd has won ha ha ha KARMA got you howard out you go
the1calledbat ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 05:02:45

john has lost rudd is PM good on the union's were back ha ha ha KARMA got you howard
cclancy007 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 05:07:47

ding dong the witch is dead ,witch is dead woo hoo
bacelines ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 06:36:14

and Rudd will get everyone who voted for him....your all fucked now muahahaha..idiots
the1calledbat ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 06:47:54

cool your fucked too ha ha ha lets get those rates up high boy's see if we can beat howards 22% ha ha ha
kael0013 ::: Favorites  2007-11-24 08:18:12

i agree

She Left Me for the Philippines

Duration: 02:59 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-01 01:02:47
User: ittehgapsytterb
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Brett Bayne and Joan Manners sing "She Left Me for the Philippines," written by Brett.


chetpintas ::: Favorites  2007-09-01 15:20:06

NICE!!!!......loves it..
ctcomebacker ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 18:09:15

very nice

Compared to Planets and Stars: We're Insignificant

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-09 17:53:34
User: Nasaniaru
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Unlike my other videos, this video was not made by me. It showcases how utterly INSIGNIFICANT we as a species truly are. To give you an idea: An average sized human: 2 meters or 0.002 km Mercury: 4,880 km Mars: 6,794 km Venus: 12,104 km Earth: 12,756 km Neptune: 49,532 km Saturn: 108,728 km Jupiter: 142,984 km Sol (The Sun): 1,393,500 km Sirius: 2,506,500 km Pollux: 6,962,500 km Arcturus: 41,775,000 km Rigel: 86,335,000 km Betelgeuse: 905,125,000 km Antares: 1,108,430,000 km MY Cephei: 3,481,250,000 km VV Cephei: 3,676,200,000 km. (2,638 times bigger than Sol our Sun, 288,194 times bigger than Earth and a massively large, 1,838,100,000,000 times larger in diameter than a human. And even that's insignificant compared to the massive structure of the galaxy. And that is in turn mightly insignificant compared to the nearly endless expanse of the Universe. So now I pose the question, WHY THE HELL DOES HUMANITY HAVE SUCH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX? I'm just kidding there. I just love space and this movie shows one of the many reasons why I do. I hope you've enjoyed. Thank you for watching.


lucaboris ::: Favorites  2007-03-09 18:40:13

Yeah sorry people maybe I should have created the earth a little bigger, ah well I'm still having fun as a god ^^
Nasaniaru ::: Favorites  2007-03-09 19:07:58

Lol. That's all I have to say.
ooohhhlaalaalaa ::: Favorites  2007-03-14 01:56:04

Exactly. We seem so insignificant, yet the Lord God deeply cares for us and longs to have a personal relationship with us. WOW!
masteradnin ::: Favorites  2007-03-19 16:13:34

Amazing video bro
Nasaniaru ::: Favorites  2007-03-20 10:09:29

Like I said, I did not make this video. I just wanted to show people why I love space and astronomy. The only difference between me and the others who have uploaded this video is that I have included a very detailed summary of what you are seeing.
JediKiller18 ::: Favorites  2007-03-28 10:22:17

Where did you hear that?
petetheweet ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 10:16:49

Astounding. I had no idea the difference in size between our star and some others was so great.
visceralgristle ::: Favorites  2007-04-18 02:28:08

Interesting... you TOTALLY didn't get it, did you? This went right over your head. Your bible is rotting your brain.
SheepyMilk ::: Favorites  2007-04-26 21:44:01

...And I thought Sun was big... O_O Omg great video.
superultimatejesus ::: Favorites  2007-05-01 15:34:39

Why is Uranus missing from the list?
jesterboy555 ::: Favorites  2007-05-02 07:17:46

A *big* eye opener to be honest.
zarkscott ::: Favorites  2007-05-11 11:02:53

Hi Nasaniaru. I keep telling people that the human race is insignificant. There are so many self important people out there who think that just because they are alive today it must be significant. We are dust. They talk about climate change and human causes and i say get a sense of proportion. Human population = 375 million tons. So puny compared to earth, let alone the rest of it.
freezingh ::: Favorites  2007-05-18 08:59:02

is this real XD????? i didn't know there is a planet bigger than the sun XD
beerman545 ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 11:42:11

superultimatejesus ::: Favorites  2007-05-24 23:37:50

There isn't. After the sun, every object you see is just a star of different stellar class.

Hinata is an Extraordinary Girl-Naruto

Duration: 07:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-13 16:16:56
User: GarraluvsSimplePlan
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Ok well.. sorry just had 2 make this Kane-CHAN, but the end is sumwat NaruSaku..... alright....... I LUV U GAARA!!! P.S. Yes kiba is pissed at me.....but i'm sorry, there just wasn't enough clips of u and hinata.....sorry!


sakura4564 ::: Favorites  2007-05-09 12:50:16

xNarutoxFreakx ::: Favorites  2007-05-31 22:38:06

i like it ^^
jessica2575 ::: Favorites  2007-06-26 20:26:58

Awesome!! I love this song!

Bobby Mcferrin y Omar Hakim

Duration: 07:52 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-31 06:36:43
User: garitrek
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Bobby Mcferrin con Gil Goldstein,Richard Bona y Omar Hakim - Festival Jazz Donosti (San Sebastian)


Palle016 ::: Favorites  2007-06-01 18:37:56

Haha, nice. I like the feel they have.
p4nd43 ::: Favorites  2007-06-23 10:30:58

Wow, amazing this Omar Hakim guy... Rythm incarnate
drummer1brt2gzs ::: Favorites  2007-06-28 21:23:41

OMG!! that's pure genious right there!
guiguidrummer ::: Favorites  2007-07-04 20:23:17

po sem comentarios..homar é o realmente o cara, bobby tambem é outro..muito bom..
darbuka34 ::: Favorites  2007-07-08 20:49:14

no comment....
jester0card ::: Favorites  2007-07-09 01:44:00

What goofs.
drummer1brt2gzs ::: Favorites  2007-07-29 22:56:47

he's like a jimi hendrix on those drums!! damn
soprano850 ::: Favorites  2007-08-04 19:46:20

ÅŸaka gibiler yaaa
chinggaysantos ::: Favorites  2007-08-29 09:17:29

so damn great
tractorKing ::: Favorites  2007-09-17 10:43:40

mrspidey ::: Favorites  2007-10-10 02:57:17

again how can i say this...? What The FUck!?!?!
JIMFISHES1 ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 13:32:53

I had been waiting for years to see two greats like Omar and Bobby M. get together, I'm not surprised at the greatness of that musical experience, if you dont get it then start listening to some avant garde music.
3shiftgtr ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 04:42:34

Goofs? Please, dude. Yeah, they are having fun here, but don't even joke. Both of these cats are SERIOUS-ass musicians.
guitarguruguy ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 16:15:40

I love how Bobby thinks this is totally sick
jester0card ::: Favorites  2007-10-26 16:46:02

Yeah man; total goofs! These musicians are as serious as it gets. The metric modulation and rhythmic emphasis play is amazing; it's the best! Doesn't change the fact that they still played and acted like total goofs just after 6min... goofs with mad skillz no less. Avantgaurd style jamming like that, only masters can make sound that good, let alone funny.

Jugando a StarShip Troopers (second half outpost 29 level)

Duration: 10:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-14 09:09:17
User: avidlurkviewer
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Official webpage at: http://www.starshiptroopersgame.com/ Divirtiendome con el juego y probando a ver que tal capturaba el Fraps, que jugando a 640x480 y con todo desactivado aún se podía jugar, si no tenemos en cuenta que a esas dimensiones en un monitor de 17" se ve como el culo. Sobre si juego bien o mal, os lo podéis ahorrar, cuando se juega es para divertirse, no para hacerlo perfecto.


avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-01 08:42:52

No. If your see, not only to you, I answered the others who asked to me but If you want more personal answers maybe you would prefer the personal messages system (sending me a PM). That is at your whish.
DarkJigglypuff ::: Favorites  2007-06-04 21:31:59

Will you post more levels, please? I don't have the game, so i'd be content with watching you.
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-05 10:25:18

See the previous posts from me. That's why I don't/can't make/upload more videos.
DarkJigglypuff ::: Favorites  2007-06-05 11:18:36

Oh, sorry, didn't see that at first. Very sorry. Anyways, if you didn't get those grenades in that hanger, would it be possible to save "Wurzinski" before the hopper gets him, or haven't you tested that yet?
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-05 13:30:19

It's the game. A lot of men would die at your orders (you are still here an elite soldier). You can save the life of a lot if you attack with strategy, but anyway, it's impossible to save all of them.
DarkJigglypuff ::: Favorites  2007-06-05 17:57:56

Which machine gun is your main one, the smoothe one or the one with the handle thing om top? Is one strongerthan the other?
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-06 10:25:15

There is no main one. It depends a lot of the situation. But you start with the plasma and depending on what you have to defeat... you select one or other. For example, "the smoother" plasma gun is for normal bugs, for armored are the moritas but not only and so... it all depends the situation.
DarkJigglypuff ::: Favorites  2007-06-06 14:31:42

How far in this game did you get bfore your Graphics card broke?
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-06 20:05:40

Twice. The first with my current card. You can make the game with the card I have now but full...... without details, but for record it... hey, it is not possible. There is a very huge number of polygons, even at 640x480. Look at the number of bugs at once...
Canesfan7012 ::: Favorites  2007-06-13 23:05:04

Nice job shooting them bugs
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-15 12:14:29

Well, the f**** shop has now decided to change my 6600GT for a new one but I don't believe it now because I know how they work when they say that are going to send a brand new component... the truth could be an used one. Anyway they said that are going to change it for a Club3D 7600GT... but I don't believe it yet, so maybe soon I'll have new Starship Troopers Videos but not sure at all.
Adamlovesjaws ::: Favorites  2007-06-19 17:36:40

they dont have this good game in stores anymore but i dwonloaded it and im guna crack the cd's but the download estimate is 7 days
Stalker115 ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 17:32:56

how do you get past the bugs when you have to pick up hose beacons or wahtever near the downed ship?? they just keep coming and i die everytime.
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 18:33:40

Kill them first :) What difficult have you selected? If you selected the hardest... it could be really difficult. Ok, an advice: look around you and use your environment to protect your ass (literally). You have 2 clearly zones where you can cover until you can attack instead defending. One important thing in this game is the patience. You can't go as a superman.
avidlurkviewer ::: Favorites  2007-06-21 18:34:22

The video response to this video is the first level.

formula offroad 4x4

Duration: 03:46 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-24 11:15:35
User: Boss100za
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hard stage


skidick1 ::: Favorites  2007-11-26 18:47:07

Awesome Vid!!

Anthony (Bayside) - I Will Follow You Into The Dark (DCFC)

Duration: 04:42 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-21 08:44:43
User: boxofindie
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Anthony Raneri from Bayside covers a DeathCab For Cutie song at the Canal Room on May 20th 2007.


entropy763 ::: Favorites  2007-05-23 09:49:55

Great catch. I just caught this concert at CT last night. The 2 track cd was the best 3$ I've ever spent.
helene117 ::: Favorites  2007-05-29 19:50:25

this was suchhh an awesome show, thanks for putting this online because i thought he did such an amazing job with this cover.
wrestlerchamp7 ::: Favorites  2007-06-19 00:16:09

wow where was this concert wish i would of been there he is a cool guy got to meet him at one of their concerts sat and talked to all the fans for a long time
tmatthewb ::: Favorites  2007-06-20 21:39:43

Anothony likes such a wide variety of music. Aklain Trio to Tim Mcgraw covers. Crazy
vulemax ::: Favorites  2007-06-24 22:37:17

Where are these concerts?!? The ones that Anthony just does by himself with an acoustic guitar, I want to go to one so bad.
americanidt1686 ::: Favorites  2007-07-03 17:10:19

wish i could have been their to see them for that concert but i will see bayside at the 07 worped tour
aidenluvr ::: Favorites  2007-08-24 04:18:33

I think I like this better when he sings it than when Death Cab For Cutie sings it.
EverSillyStudios ::: Favorites  2007-09-14 07:29:16

Awwesome! I love this cover, I hadn't heard it previously.
PrivateEye721 ::: Favorites  2007-11-01 17:54:18

This is a really good cover. His voice sounds really nice.
mtownlaxer24 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 01:24:20

i think that anthony does it better than death cab
aboxfulloftheused ::: Favorites  2007-11-19 06:18:38

me too... ants voice is magical

Super-Duper-Man - NejiTen

Duration: 04:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-22 18:34:08
User: xCattyx
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Neji is Tenten's Super-Duper-Man! Yes, they lip-sync it too. This song fits so well with them, it's too cute x3. I love this pairing SO MUCH! Me is obsessed =] Please comment and rate!


Xx1SWEETNESS1xX ::: Favorites  2007-03-22 23:26:45

wooooo!! first viewer! and first comment!!!! :D
Kamiyachan ::: Favorites  2007-03-23 00:55:15

XD Omg...this video just made my day! I agree; this song does fit them, lol.
LadyShadowFox ::: Favorites  2007-03-23 11:35:06

love the lip-syncing and great song choice!! ^_^
SakuraxSasuke12 ::: Favorites  2007-03-23 16:53:51

I soo agree this is soo cool!!!And neji does have sexy legs!!!
LaydeeAmii ::: Favorites  2007-03-25 06:49:18

Heyloo !! OMG I Love This Video Teheee They So Sweet Together && This Song Fitts Well !! >_<
anime069 ::: Favorites  2007-03-25 20:46:23

So funny! I love it! and i love that pairing 2 ^.~
darkslade2 ::: Favorites  2007-03-25 22:45:05

XDD. LOVE IT. Nice Catty.
AiOrikasa ::: Favorites  2007-03-25 22:49:02

this song is funny. nice lip syncing Catty.
zeroxheat ::: Favorites  2007-04-02 20:11:51

This is awesome. Made my day XD Although there are some subtitles, I don't mind because this AMV rocks! Nejiten 4 Ever!
xCattyx ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 00:37:11

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it ^^ Yeah, I forgot to take out those subtitles x_x. Catty is a mess D; YESH! NEJIXTENTEN 4 EVER! <3333 ^_^
zeroxheat ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 12:11:46

We already established the Best Nejiten AMV over at the Nejiten FC ^^ It does not matter if it has subtitles or not, it's the best! (Nejiten till the end! *sort of rhymes*)
Tori2Sage ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 12:13:10

*nods* mmm best Nejiten AMV indeed.
MeLoveNeji ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 15:57:27

YES! NEJI-SAN DOES HAVE SEXY LEGS ... i wnat to touch them ... all over =w=... and my presious nejis are are sexyt oo ^^=
Freakfuzz ::: Favorites  2007-04-05 21:41:31

Nice job Cat!! I love this video and song! And I love the part with the x-ray eyes. Cause Neji does have x-ray eyes lol.
SilenceAiring ::: Favorites  2007-04-06 16:31:39

Ahaha...That's such a cute song with great lipsync. x3

Reflection From Mulan (The Movie)

Duration: 02:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-12-16 07:41:12
User: goddessyuna
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Song is 'Reflection' from disney's movie Mulan, with Yuna & Lenne mostly, because they do look-a-like.. Sort of.. I don't own Final Fantasy or it's creators.


fremocryb ::: Favorites  2007-02-22 21:41:40

at last found the version from the movie..better than christina aguilera's rndtion
goddessyuna ::: Favorites  2007-02-22 21:43:53

Well thank you, fremocryb, glad you like it
kupomeow ::: Favorites  2007-02-24 08:02:48

good job song fits video well
goddessyuna ::: Favorites  2007-02-24 17:16:09

Thank you, kupomeow, glad you like it.
MissCuteness ::: Favorites  2007-03-06 00:45:11

Really Good Job! Mega thumbs up!
goddessyuna ::: Favorites  2007-03-06 00:47:13

Thank you MissCuteness
imapirategrr ::: Favorites  2007-04-14 14:33:30

Cool me like it! Thank you for not putting the Christina Agulara virsion on there. EW.
moonprincess30 ::: Favorites  2007-05-07 08:16:14

thatnks that was really good does any know were i can watch final fantasy X
Animedreamangel ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 12:16:02

O-o wow I love it! its really good!
mermaidboycrazy2133 ::: Favorites  2007-05-25 12:59:26

I luv it
irene8ter321 ::: Favorites  2007-05-28 11:56:14

fits the video really well
MaryRoxSox ::: Favorites  2007-07-19 14:48:53

goddessyuna ::: Favorites  2007-07-19 20:52:33

Thank you :)
MaryRoxSox ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 17:59:36

Where is the video from?
goddessyuna ::: Favorites  2007-07-21 20:45:37

Final Fantasy X and X-2(10 and 10-2)

SON - Spencer and Ashley - Ophelia

Duration: 04:10 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-21 10:53:27
User: SomethingEpic222
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A Spencer/Ashley video from Ash's POVC.


pacifae ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 11:56:09

That was so beautiful.Thank you.
0HoesOverBros0 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 15:12:21

i agree. this is beautiful.
Baddaboom95 ::: Favorites  2007-10-21 17:59:54

Great job
orangesoda7 ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 02:59:19

absolutely great. good job.
boundtostone ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 04:11:54

great video. and the song is just beautiful.

WWF Undertaker vs RVD Hardcore Title -Vengeance 2001

Duration: 07:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-06 14:20:16
User: HighFlyerHHH
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taker vs rvd for hardcore belt rvd fighting for the allience and taker for the wwf.


DollaB18 ::: Favorites  2007-11-17 20:28:17

i like the this limp bizkit theme a lot better. bring it back wwe.
HighFlyerHHH ::: Favorites  2007-11-18 07:40:16

i agree 4 sure

Naruto opening d NANA

Duration: 02:30 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-12 16:46:52
User: darkloveyou
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