Wednesday, October 17, 2007

shanks and whitebeard clash

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-24 16:14:25
User: pezilord
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shanks and white beard clash


luffyjbankai ::: Favorites
Anyone else notice cause I just did that Shanks and Whitebeard basically just touched swords. They weren't really going at full speed,and didnt even use their full power. They were holding back!! Probably to refrain from destroying the ship. Can't wait to see them go full blast!!
07-10-12 13:54:11
luffyjbankai ::: Favorites
Actually it would make perfect sense since from the beginning Zolo has said I will follow you as long as your goals dont interfere with mine and he tends to bring this point up alot. This makes me think that towards the end of One Piece (Which I pray is decades from now) Zolo might leave the crew because they suddenly come in conflict or the whole crew might split up even if just a while. Cause if U think about it the "mugiwaras" are composed mostly of people that never wanted to be pirates
07-10-12 13:53:58
Blaines300 ::: Favorites
Shanks became a Yonko because he didn't conform to the Government, Mihawk did. With or without a crew, its thier decisions that decide it. Not the crew. Shanks would be a Shichibukai now too if he worked with the World Government, and vice versa for Mihawk.
07-10-09 20:48:10
Blaines300 ::: Favorites
He's a Yonko because he also doesn't work with the Government. Mihawk would be one too if he didn't want to work with the World Governement.
07-10-09 20:47:17
Oraclenexus1 ::: Favorites
Shanks and Mihawk are equal. Mihawk was only able to become schickbau or however you spell it where shanks is equal but he became a Younkou because of his crew.
07-10-07 13:32:16
pezilord ::: Favorites
im pretty sure Mihawk is stronger than shanks, even though shanks is a younkou, he's a yonkou because he also has a powerful crew with him . anyway shanks and Mihawk are both swordsmen it wouldn't make sense for Zolo's storyline to revolve around becoming the greatest swordsman by defeating Mihawk and then all of a sudden it was shanks all along who was the strongest.
07-10-07 03:31:03
luffyjbankai ::: Favorites
And for those that believed Mihawk when he said that Shanks was too weak to compare to him now remember People LIE, and talk crap!! I still think Shanks either is hiding the fact that he can regrow his arm some natural way or he ate a fruit that allows him to regenerate.
07-10-06 15:56:45
luffyjbankai ::: Favorites
Anyone else notice cause I just did that Shanks and Whitebeard basically just touched swords. They weren't really going at full speed,and didnt even use their full power. They were holding back!! Probably to refrain from destroying the ship. Can't wait to see them go full blast!!
07-10-06 15:56:30
Cybertoy00 ::: Favorites
Classic rule of anime. A good swordsman can cut anything...but other swords.
07-10-02 18:49:21
AfricanH3ro ::: Favorites
I think Shanks would be stronger if he still had his dominant arm.
07-09-23 17:50:23

mão morta -arrastando o seu cadáver

Duration: 07:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-24 12:59:19
User: necropunk
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mão morta ao vivo no festival heineken paredes de coura 2007

Evil Monkey

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-25 18:36:23
User: IamBritishandProud
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This is a small project I made, please no flaming as this is my first upload and I'm only 12! This is about an evil monkey, similar to the evil duck (just search on YouTube) Anyways, Enjoy!

Back Home

Duration: 02:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 18:37:07
User: BradOFarrell
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This is basically a montage of my two-week long visit to Marble Falls, Texas, the town I grew up in. A lot of the shots are places that you'd probably only recognize if you've lived there. Song is "A Long Way To Get" by Bob Schneider, from the album "I'm Good Now." He's a local artist from the Austin area, my friend gave me a copy of his CD while I was visiting.


jsdeap06 ::: Favorites
awesome video.. makes me miss mf.. :( lol but still awesome video!! loved loved loved it
07-10-15 16:18:02
TheoC777 ::: Favorites
Really great video - though I have to admit it's the song that makes me keep watching and watching. Trying to get back home is a recurring theme in my life. My favorite of yours is the Baby Got Back cartoons. (that's if you don't count you and Molly...) All of your work is excellent. Keep it up. BTW, it would be great if you still did the Full Metal Jacket video, even if your haircut is no longer a surprise.
07-09-08 18:21:33
KasiKills ::: Favorites
That was a really cool video. I REALLY enjoyed it. heh. =]
07-08-19 11:40:39
BradOFarrell ::: Favorites
Funny you should ask about my beard. You can see it's current status here: tinyurl DOT com/2sv2l2
07-08-18 00:00:57
nickynik ::: Favorites
I liked that Brad, that was cool. How's your beard by the way? NickyNik
07-08-17 23:58:11
ThatChiquitaGuy ::: Favorites
Gosh! I live in that town! It looks so much cooler seen through your eyes. This is a lovely hack, Brad.
07-08-17 16:35:33
nojackingoff ::: Favorites
rofl nice replys, pretty kool i like that song and i liked the ending sky, so 5/5 for me yay!
07-08-17 11:40:06
BradOFarrell ::: Favorites
FUCK YOU Grezski, you're a robot, you don't have a soul. Or a programmer. SAME FUCKING SHIT!
07-08-17 01:59:36
Grezski ::: Favorites
07-08-17 01:35:30
BradOFarrell ::: Favorites
Your vagina is a waste of vagwidth.
07-08-16 12:55:05

Outlawz Unreleased Songs (2 SONGS)

Duration: 10:35 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-20 00:53:21
User: av213072
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Gotta Survive


yakandpac ::: Favorites
yak & pac lives on........
07-08-20 14:12:43


Duration: 03:29 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-26 05:29:49
User: GiveOrLooseIt
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Hey dudes and dudese! This is my Yamaha guitar i got a few months ago. I really thing you will like this one! :)


darksoki ::: Favorites
wOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOW i will buy that
07-10-15 00:32:06
re6olver ::: Favorites
haha thats awesome guitar man
07-09-06 17:07:51
Flaphand ::: Favorites
Haha nice guitar indeed, much possible for that small guitar, but first a better guitar for moi then later electric
07-08-28 16:24:22
GiveOrLooseIt ::: Favorites
Its Electronic... It's tuned anyway you want it to be with a push of a button.. :) Trust me it sounds nice. But take with you x-tra batteries.. :D And the bass sounds x-elent! it has a "tension feel." Stronger u play louder it sounds and vise versa.
07-08-27 16:31:42
Jewkemia ::: Favorites
that thing does look pretty hip. I was wondering about basic things like tuning and how the bass sounds... I'd really love to have a cheap four string that doesn't need an amp and that'll fit in the back of a car for things like this vacation I'm going on today...
07-08-27 16:13:36
IXLennonRIPXI ::: Favorites
wow that thing lookslike a blast man ive never seen anything like it before. i might just have to pick one up!
07-08-26 11:57:06

Stickperson and his adventures III-The end (+ dance remix)

Duration: 01:04 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-27 07:02:31
User: loneronline
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the end of my series. Its not good, but i like the dancing at the end.


chungkee1 ::: Favorites
that was honestly shit!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
07-08-31 02:49:08
sk8ertoy ::: Favorites
it was ok but it could be much funier knowing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-29 03:05:39

Tiger Woods - Talent - (Must See Interview)

Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 06:22:41
User: willkendall101
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this is an interview with tiger about the nike commercial with the bouncing ball. he shows that was no trick

Bill Goldberg Career Highlights

Duration: 03:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-27 11:53:42
User: FargoJ02
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Bill Goldberg Career Highlights for a video contest that ended on August 15th, no winner has been selected yet.

Wrestlemania III Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant WWF Champion

Duration: 03:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-25 08:45:12
User: wwfhulkamaniacwwf
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Wrestlemania III Hulk Hogan vs. Andre The Giant. WWF Championship on the line. After this match, the WWF put the hulkster in a slingshot and just hung on for the ride. IT PAID OFF!!


MADAM3747 ::: Favorites
OMG I am a hulkamaniac for life more more more pls
07-09-06 22:17:26

Pivot sword man

Duration: 00:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-16 00:48:31
User: PivotJoel
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this is me board playing with pivot agian


dookiedawookie ::: Favorites
not very good.
07-09-24 18:03:03

World Of Warcraft Nerd

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-27 23:23:53
User: FamilyGuyRocksSH
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Ventrilo Harrasment


DjJouston ::: Favorites
HIllarious MAke more Ventrilo harassments like this pleasE!!
07-09-28 11:53:31
holyshititsme ::: Favorites
god i nearly pissed myself!
07-09-23 22:26:59
MjmanDK ::: Favorites
OH MY FUCKING GOD IT WAS HILARIOUS!! I laughed all the time!!!
07-09-18 15:05:19
vvanker2k7 ::: Favorites
the belt with 4 stam and 4 strenght is the forest leather belt lol
07-09-11 10:51:37
Thatismattisthat ::: Favorites
OMG I COULDN"T STOP LAUGHING, At least they were being good sports about it
07-09-11 03:18:21
DEADisoul ::: Favorites
nice job u messed up what he said. he says "Four strength four stam leather belt."
07-09-09 21:44:17
vvanker2k7 ::: Favorites
forest leather belt lol, thts wht he talking bout
07-09-09 16:37:56
ibanparty ::: Favorites
07-09-09 05:25:26
GtrMANDAN ::: Favorites
lol that was hilarious i need to make a recording like that
07-09-07 23:22:47
AMDSHJ ::: Favorites
ok the damn belt thing is annyoing
07-09-04 21:45:09

Bloodfeast 2007 - Halloween Party

Duration: 06:24 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-19 21:55:25
User: talludahling
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