Friday, November 2, 2007

Halo Tribute

Duration: 01:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-18 21:25:54
User: dogboyzz
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This is a video Remix of Halo serie...A tribute for one of the greatest games of all times.Ear the music.

Dawn, the rayees

Duration: 04:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-14 09:12:24
User: therayees
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penniemiller ::: Favorites
Second part : Not many songs move me as much as this one and i'm not the only one to think so. So, it's either you listen to the words, you let the melody take possession of you... or you clear off ! And if you have something to reply me, please post me a personnal comment better than spreading your shit on their page !!!!! Many thanks !
07-10-11 12:01:44
penniemiller ::: Favorites
First part : To the last few dickheads who have a french pseudo but want to prentend they can write something sensible in english.... WELL... GO TO HELL !!!!! And if you don't have anything interesting to do with yourself, check bewteen your legs if you find something, and go somewhere else to play with it. Stop spoiling the pages of those who really have something to say and express.
07-10-11 12:00:06
imbecileheureuxdem1 ::: Favorites
arretez moi tout de suite ces gougeats !
07-09-27 05:51:48
americanbeautyisthe1 ::: Favorites
bug informatique a prevenir ! yahaaaaaaa
07-09-27 05:46:17
clemenci1 ::: Favorites
hé mais je t'aime rayees !
07-09-27 05:42:29
thomasilpueducul1 ::: Favorites
show me you penis butthead !
07-09-27 05:37:46
stinglapuce1 ::: Favorites
i cried the first time i heard that song !
07-09-27 05:31:29
marietanios1 ::: Favorites
what a wonderful song and music !
07-09-27 05:22:59
penniemiller ::: Favorites
This song is a treasure, makes me shiver, and brings tear in the corner of my eyes... can't feel the same after than before cause it touches me so much...A big bravo. And the video is a little jewel to itself.
07-08-30 04:48:26
gontrandex ::: Favorites
I am so going to listen to that song over and over again
07-08-15 01:50:27

Al Pacino - Tony Montana - Scarface - Peruivian Cocaine

Duration: 04:13 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-15 16:33:26
User: xxMyDarkLifexx
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for pinche711 enjoy it :) A tribute to one of the best gangsters in the world TONY MONTANA


ounces ::: Favorites
immortal teck, filthy cut
07-10-19 20:24:37
rober012 ::: Favorites
cochabamba carajo.,.
07-10-06 20:07:40
GypsyStyleNJ ::: Favorites
╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝ . . . .cool channel Come Watch My scarface videos
07-09-30 03:12:35
vicgiie ::: Favorites
i'd shag him Ox
07-08-30 15:37:23
pinche711 ::: Favorites
Great video great song to one of the greatest movie gangstas of all time Tony montana
07-08-16 10:48:11

Coyote Ugly Magaluf

Duration: 02:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-19 07:56:51
User: monticello89
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cosa nn si fà per 100 euro...10 frustate (dolorosissime)...VIVA PALMA VIVA MAGALUF E VIVA IL "COCCOLUTO"...

Happy Day!

Duration: 07:33 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 02:40:05
User: angellizzie
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Bleh Bleh


breathead ::: Favorites
Sobriety is underrated.
07-08-17 21:54:49
angellizzie ::: Favorites
Agreed, especially at 21
07-08-17 21:56:14
perry8181 ::: Favorites
I like your videos. Have watched a lot of others who "try" to be funny, are jerks, drugged out or whine about all their problems and blame everyone else for them. You don't so that. Or at least you've got past all that. I'm sure it a hard road that makes 21 feel so old compared to the "kids". Glad you had a good day. Will email soon.
07-08-13 16:11:19
angellizzie ::: Favorites
I can only be me. I learn from everything that I've had to deal with and it just makes me stronger and into the woman I am today. Others might not have my same view. *shrug* Thanks for your kind words.
07-08-13 18:48:05

Calves Cutie Cutie Fix

Duration: 00:19 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-06 08:36:03
User: virkonlatte
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Calves giving me my cutie cutie (and saliva!) fix for the next four years :)

extreme bicycle tricks

Duration: 00:22 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-08 13:29:04
User: hakerus123
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anoriginalname397 ::: Favorites
so extreme
07-10-28 04:24:28
hakerus123 ::: Favorites
To nie śruba kręcił a farbę e tam..... ale i tak kaskader wymiata
07-09-03 14:59:58
miodek84 ::: Favorites
sruba makrec cos lepszego, jakąś impre albo jakiegos żula. labo farbe bo pokemony mile widziane:)
07-09-03 07:15:52
hakerus123 ::: Favorites
Tak masz rację tylko szkoda że nie nagralśmy tego co się działo ostatnio !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! mam na myśli ZAWA - CZARTO - GRABOW
07-08-27 14:26:39
PKsoldiers ::: Favorites
07-08-26 16:17:47
hakerus123 ::: Favorites
masz racje reszta to guwno tak jak ty i twoj zacofany humanistyczny mozg
07-08-18 07:32:31
czebi ::: Favorites
fajna byÅ‚a tylko jazda na jednym kole a reszta to gówno
07-08-17 03:39:58
hakerus123 ::: Favorites
Oczywiście !!!!!!!!!! Niesamowita obsada filmu sprawiła ,że został on 17 nominacji do Oscara i tym pobił rekord Titanica!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-16 15:57:41
MiszczMaciej ::: Favorites
Tak Dzwiek byl puszczany z wysokiej jakosci sprzetu Srereo. A niszczyciel170 to najlepszy dzwiekowiec w polsce. Do tego Rezyser - hekerus123 swietnie ukazal w swym dziele ducha sportu:D No i oczywiscie w roli glownej wystapil Najlepszy biker w..... gminie - Sruba:P W rolach drugloplanowych wystapily drzewa zawalowskiego lasu :P no i to chyba tyle:P
07-08-08 13:43:07
niszczyciel172 ::: Favorites
tak wiem bo byłaem przy tym dzwięk dodawałem :D
07-08-08 13:38:32

Fighters in the dark

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-22 00:30:16
User: SephirothKadajGod
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Sarge vs. Reaper


FROZNCaNdY ::: Favorites
pretty good.
07-08-22 01:31:57
SephirothKadajGod ::: Favorites
07-08-22 15:15:06

VMGun05 Videos: Sony Building, Sofmap, Bic Camera... (GInza)

Duration: 10:49 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-12 11:21:52
User: Keiishi
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Roxas Data (win)

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-07 18:53:26
User: Marluxia
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Old vid from new account


TARFAN5 ::: Favorites
07-09-28 17:04:57

Mitt Romney Flip-Flops on hunting, abortion and iraq and dog

Duration: 02:18 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-13 14:17:28
User: bpl72
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Romney talks abortion iraq dogs hunting


hendrix3d ::: Favorites
Yeah, let's vote for a candidate with tenets parallel to the back-country militia.
07-10-28 14:41:39
KingSportsFan ::: Favorites
Vote Fred Thompson 2008!!!!
07-10-21 08:57:00
Bacchant33rd ::: Favorites
veterans are going to lose their gun rights if this bill passes! HR 2640 has already passed in the House. It PERMANENTLY bars ANY Veteran, who has been diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder from owning or buying firearms!!! so write your congressmen & spread the word!!!
07-09-27 17:16:41
RestoreAmerica2008 ::: Favorites
The agenda of the CFR is incompatible with the US Constitution. Therefore, any politician who shows support for the CFR by being a member or by implimenting policy that aligns with the CFR agenda is Unamerican and should not be president. Ron Paul is the only candidate who strongly opposes the CFR agenda for a one world Fabian Socialist government that will nagate the Constitution and Bill of Rights. RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT
07-09-19 19:32:30
RestoreAmerica2008 ::: Favorites
If Ron Paul doesn't win, then it doesn't matter for whom you vote, because they are all the same. The key issues are: 1. Bring the troops home 2. Get rid of the unconstitutional central bank called (The Federal Reserve) 2. Let silver and gold compete in the market as currency with the US dollar 3. Get rid of the IRS and the personal Income tax 4. Campaign finance reform that prevents today's "Corporatism" which is evil RON PAUL FOR PRESIDENT
07-09-19 19:27:36
wawbwc ::: Favorites
Video Alert : Mitt Romney is a member of the CFR. Is his allegiance to his membership or to the U.S. Constitution? See this Video : "CFR / NAU & 2008 Presidential Candidates". Added : June 03, 2007. From : LibertyOrDie.
07-09-13 17:01:13
KingSportsFan ::: Favorites
Vote Fred Thompson 2008!!!
07-09-05 06:41:59
sharonafox1 ::: Favorites
I'm glad I'm not his bitch... How dare he treat his dog like that. Maybe he should join Michael Vick behind bars so he can't mistreat dogs any more.
07-08-22 17:00:48
justinstout1234 ::: Favorites
don't vote for Flip Romney!
07-08-20 21:41:20
riceowlex ::: Favorites
The problem is that he isn't Ron Paul. And he endorses war but doesn't have a child therein. Prolife and endorses the killing of innocent people in Iraq? huhm!!
07-08-20 11:04:00

The Board Walk, A walk over the peat bog Tregaron, Wales uk

Duration: 07:39 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-07 13:10:28
User: ellaskins
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Description: A walk in Wales Ceredigion


qweczy ::: Favorites
i havent been there yet
07-08-09 10:15:53
Azsman610 ::: Favorites
Looked like a good place to relax...As long as the mosquito's leave you alone,;-) And "WOW" did i see the sun out there, xD
07-08-07 20:21:33
smashy1dj ::: Favorites
some nice views
07-08-07 14:41:14
craigk2000 ::: Favorites
cymru am byth
07-08-07 14:30:14
Ayanami0001 ::: Favorites
wow...very beautiful
07-08-07 14:20:05
silvialain ::: Favorites
No better place to go with little children and pets , except for a nightclub offcourse ;) ok i'm out of here.
07-08-07 14:02:10
manakkeell ::: Favorites
nice view and nice place!!!!1 also first comment
07-08-07 13:48:56

LexiLex WTF: I AINT DAT DRUNK (to get punked)

Duration: 10:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-11 13:35:17
User: PrettyEliteDyme
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introducing my lil' friend... lol


andsanp ::: Favorites
great vid!
07-09-27 01:15:48
brisosweet474 ::: Favorites
07-08-21 02:54:19
BigboyHollywood ::: Favorites
Good good stuff Lexilex
07-08-16 13:45:50
Babygurlgeegee ::: Favorites
07-08-14 00:23:25
gregoryconway ::: Favorites
I undersand. I was just teasing you. In fact I find you to be an intelligent, cretive woman whose videos,radio show and blogs are very astute! Keep up the good work and continued success in college.
07-08-12 00:58:51
PrettyEliteDyme ::: Favorites
You know I don't smoke in real life... nor am I an alky... okay, well, I might just be with my daily wine but ya know... lol... I won't answer your previous question cause I like enquiring minds to wonder... sometimes, I do what will make you laugh but it's all inspired by real life situation...
07-08-11 20:43:57
gregoryconway ::: Favorites
This video just turned me into an alcholic, a smoker and a fan of Grey Goose!! Your videos have a very powerful affect on me because you are such a charming woman. LOL.
07-08-11 19:38:56
gregoryconway ::: Favorites
I have a question for you. Will the REAL Alexis Nicole White please step forward? Do you know that I have lost sleep pondering whether or not you are acting? Do you know that I have gotton into endless debates with others trying to figure out the real you from the false you? Please stop the torture, dear woman; end the mystery and STOP the madness!! Who is the real you? LOL.
07-08-11 17:34:21
gregoryconway ::: Favorites
If I was around you you would make me CRAZY!!! (more crazier than I am now). LOL.
07-08-11 17:23:46
kane4dem ::: Favorites
that lil girl not playing...I'll put my money on
07-08-11 16:40:20