Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Nazi-Style Society=NWO (caution-contains violence)

Duration: 05:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-12 01:18:33
User: TageKaliandrino
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12th July, 2007. The sentiments in this song adequately portray how the powers in the world feel about the ordinary folks.Also in memory of the work of Dan Wallace.


Jepaaz ::: Favorites  2007-11-05 14:03:24

Fuck all american asshole fuckheads!!!!Stay in your home and die puahahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahh
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 23:35:30

Plus, I was not talking to you I was talking to Tage. Freedom of speech is everyone's right, just not all countries allow it like America. You can think however you want and say whatever you want, just make sure you do something more than that if you want real change.
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 23:32:53

Um, I never said that. Calm down please. What I said was that if you want something to change you should take an active role in doing something about it. You can live here if you want, just don't complain and not do anything about it. Be progressive and bring about change. Why are you so defensive?
de79hill ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 23:30:06

What is it that needs to be Changed?? Oh,so now YOUR telling me I can't live here in America,because I don't think the same way you do.well of course you don't sound like a bully,my mistake ! do you believe and support our Constitution?? Do you believe all Americans have Constitutional Rights??
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 19:09:02

The problem exists in your mind, not mine. As bad as you think our leadership is, it still beats any other form of Government out there. As I stated before, if you don't like it then don't live here! I am glad you are concerned for our country, but I think we are doing quite fine thank you!
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 19:05:34

Now, how do I have a bully attitude? I simply stated that to change something we must do something about it.I think America is great, and the best example of Democracy in the World. If you don't like it, don't live here. :)
de79hill ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 11:54:36

This is youtube,NOT the USMC ! you have the same bully attitude that George Bush has toward the whole world. freedom of Speach is NOT just an American right.isn't that why you went to fight? to spread freedom and Democracy in IRAQ ?? if you can handle fighting in Iraq,then you should be able to handle this video.....Right?
TageKaliandrino ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 06:34:36

You know what, Kalanc69, I am not complaining about it, but in fact, pointing out the problem and directing people to the place where they can go to make a difference for themselves. Collectively, you all can make it a better place to live. Oh and making videos, when I cannot physically be there to do anything to help, is better than doing nothing at all.
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 05:19:37

Ok, so your uncles served in Vietnam, but what have YOU done? Making a video does not equate with action, you must DO something to bring about change. Complaining about it will never get anything done. Also, I haven't insulted you, please don't insult me.
TageKaliandrino ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 05:16:37

Okay, so your penis is bigger than mine, so what? As for being a disabled vet, my two great Uncles Logan and Bruce fought alongside of American troops in Vietnam, so you do not have the market cornered on suffering through a war or two. Your country is beautiful, but ignoring the fact that your Govt is corrupt will not help it, therefore I speak out. Why? Because what your Govt does affects everyone.
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 05:10:20

It sure doesn't look like you care. Just criticizing somewhere you don't live. As far as caring, I served twice and am now a disabled vet..What have you done for this country?
TageKaliandrino ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 04:38:05

Apparently I care a great deal more for your country than some of you citizens do. I don't even live there and I care what is being done, so get educated about a person before you throw your toys out of the cot!
Kalanc69 ::: Favorites  2007-10-13 04:22:48

I have an idea...Why don't you just move to Canada or somewhere where you don't have to worry about anything like this...What have you done to make a change in this counry? Other than make a cute video?

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