Monday, August 13, 2007

Zionist News - Zionist Chaos

Duration: 447 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-23 17:46:58
User: cpotato2004
:::: Favorites

Zionism has always been chaotic. The Zionists have lied, cajoled, subverted, deceived, agreed, disagreed, merged peace talks with wars, and made themselves anethema to many world leaders. This video discusses Judeo Bolsheviks, Russia, USSR, Jews, 100 Million Genocide, Zionist Wars, Zionists, Zionism, Ideas of Zionism, Zionist ideas, IDF, Mossad, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, Gaza, West Bank, Mongol, Mongolian, Mongols, anti-semitic, anti-semitism, anti-semitism lie, Iraq War, Khasar, Khasaria, Khazar, Khazarian, etc.

wutgodretodd ::: Favorites
What do you mean by "The white man should wake up"? Zionism isn't a fucking ethnic issue. It's the belief in an imaginary god that's the fucking problem. The zionists are doing what it is they're doing in order to fulfill an unwarranted, ideological prophecy. They aren't a threat to "the white man". Zionism is a threat to MANKIND.
07-07-31 22:06:32
Dictum1 ::: Favorites
I do think we should stop muddying the water on these issues, because it does cause an unnecessary confusion in the minds of new truth seekers who search desperately for an answer as to why the world is fundamentally evil with no chance of peace breaking out any time soon. Let's start cutting back on these terms: Neocon, Oligarch, Zionist, Judeo-Bolshevik, Talmudist, Khazar, Sephardim and Ashkenazi, etc. Let us be bold and honest: Call a spade a spade -- Or in this case a Jew a Jew.
07-08-01 17:41:34
madzionist ::: Favorites
How to create a holocost / Hall-a-cash World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jew Population- 15,319,359 Hmmm, what can be done here? 100,000 + 200 thousa.. plus 80 thou..let's see , carry the 50 000, then, ok, carry all those jews that were in Malta.. let's see, multiply that by.. carry the 2 Six Million! That's it! {Meanwhile} World Almanac 1949, pg. 289: World Jew Population- 15,713,638 World Almanac 1996, pg. 646: World Jew Population- 14,117,000
07-08-03 13:08:31
RockJawTitus ::: Favorites
Man, you can't even speak or spell proper English and you want to discuss morons? Learn to speak English, then study the terms "bigot" and "racist". Then learn what a Zionist is. Then learn what a Jew actually is. Then ask yourself if you really do belong to some exclusive group which the rest of mankind cannot do without. Lastly, try to avoid me like the plague because I hate bigots and racists.
07-08-05 08:08:02
OnThisDayInHistory ::: Favorites
GOOD MORNING!!! Aug 7 1882 Ellison Hatfield is stabbed 26 times and shot in the back by Tolbert McCoy and two of his brothers. Two days later, the Hatfield clan captures the three McCoys and executes them by firing squad. Thus begins generations of bloodshed between the families, ultimately causing about 100 casualties
07-08-07 04:21:25
HE006 ::: Favorites
search on youtube 'what famous men have to say about jews'. i was suprised to see that eminent people ranging from St Thomas Aquinas to Cicero to GW Shaw (and many more) didnt have anything nice to say about Jews. The usual accusation was that they (the Jews) are deceitful, liars, thieves, live of peoples' misery etc etc. incredible!
07-08-07 15:22:53
HE006 ::: Favorites
We muslims have been fighting Israel and its illegal occupation of Palestine for the last 60 years and we will fight them for another 60 years or 600 years or whatever it takes. These Israeli bastards will NEVER find peace in that land they have stolen.
07-08-07 15:25:35
brothervsbrother ::: Favorites
"ifamericansknew com"
07-08-08 00:45:44
jewy ::: Favorites
Hmm, my girlfriend's brother, who died on the 82nd floor of Tower 2 didn't seem to get the memo from the International Jewish Conspiracy. Several hundred hundred other Jews didn't get that memo either, apparently, judging from all the Jewish names in the fatality list. But I suppose antisemitism has never been a reality-based philosophy...
07-08-08 18:50:35
Remstradt ::: Favorites
If you think THEY had things to say, look up Rev Martin Luther. Whoa. At first he was amicable to the jews. But when he saw they steadfastly refused Christ, he turned on them with a tongue lashing vengeance. The man really got all over their case, called them 'children of the devil' and stuff.
07-08-10 19:18:00

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