Monday, January 14, 2008

文茜小妹大 2007.11.22 Part2

Duration: 07:41 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-27 19:08:18
User: neoatrocitism
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20071122 陳文茜 文茜小妹大 陈文茜 孫大千 葉耀鵬 李桐豪 胡忠信


RANGER799 ::: Favorites  2007-11-29 01:33:25

國民黨人這麼唱衰台灣, 因為他們只看到台北的景象. 他們完全看不到台灣有些地方在進步, 但是台北在馬英九8年主政下, 完全沒有進步, 馬英九, 郝龍斌只搞政治, 完全不知道他們還得建設.
taiwanmit327 ::: Favorites  2007-11-27 21:35:26

I disagree with the points presented here. Earth resources need to reach a sustainable state. Strengthening infrastructure and emphasizing "mundane lifestyle" would be the way to go. Economic growth needs to balance with "green life/concept/industry".

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