Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Chic! Locking Routine - Floorskillz Interschool 2007

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-02-12 11:16:47
User: iantheman
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Here is us concluding the last ever Chic! stopover at this great bboying event. This will be the last of Chic! Booohoo! Wanna give a big wooohooo to Rachel for pulling of a decent show despite a busted knee. It must have been painful but she pull it off seamlessly. Now that's the spirit. Floorskillz Interschool is a great and successful event. Them bboys never fail to keep me on my feet. Our scene is picking up! Jeeaeeahhh!!! But frankly, our show failed to surpass our previous show at SP's Waves 11 concert. That one is still the best show of all. I guess we were a lil rusty! But we had fun fun fun! Thanks for all who made us feel welcomed. Fuyo rocks your socks! Check out some of the sickest bboys from the starting intro. Hazrul's powermove combo was off the hook. Sick! Mad props for Larry for organising this event and giving us the chance to perform. You should get the nobel peace prize for reving up the bboy scene or something like that. Enjoy! Bye Bye Chic!.


spacingout ::: Favorites  2007-02-12 12:18:37

byebye chic! gewt show chunky wooohooo rachel!
KobotN ::: Favorites  2007-02-12 23:06:12

5 stars for the style,techniques,funkiness,passion,behind-scene efforts and a few busted knee. (:
iantheman ::: Favorites  2007-02-13 09:00:42

thanks man. but i feel abit over rated leh. We din do too well that night! SP's show was better!
iantheman ::: Favorites  2007-02-13 09:06:14

then you forgot david!!!
spacingout ::: Favorites  2007-02-13 10:38:16

oops. DAVID YOU ROCK p.s. you got look alike chunky i start chic fanclub k i be president
vidyawnz ::: Favorites  2007-02-13 14:12:49

oh man oh man~ last of chic!
LeonCMJ ::: Favorites  2007-02-14 10:35:12

bboymonkeyking ::: Favorites  2007-02-16 12:03:51

Sg Locking...crazy, ^^
hyuugajw ::: Favorites  2007-02-21 08:42:51

woW~~hilty and bosch cHallegers??well toO baD laSt of cHic~~bYebyE
iantheman ::: Favorites  2007-02-21 10:25:26

Oh man i was hoping you din hear that. Hilty and Bosch is too god like for us mortals to be even on par with. Emcee was just joking! yeah goodbye chic.
sanzo00001 ::: Favorites  2007-02-26 18:16:57

whoa nuts i met this guy the other day his name was ian poh...not a locker but...great performance!

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