Monday, October 8, 2007

Music is an Art, Not a Sport. (ie: Slipknot)

Duration: 05:57 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-28 02:02:00
User: xxxViceroyxxx
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Ugh, Windows Movie Maker is an absolute and total pain. i spent 15 hours + on this video, and about 2-3 of those were the actual creative process. the rest of it was trying my hardest to sync the song to the words. and no, it was NOT that simple. its a long story ( a 12 hour delve into the bewilderment within WMM) which i do not think can be described in mere words. i will bring the devil as a guest star in order to make more realistic impact of exactly how miserable this failure of editing software truly is. you'll have to forgive the erratic pace of the video. TRUST ME, i worked very very hard on this and in the end, after everything id done, i could choose either to scrap the whole thing or speed it up a bit. i opted for the latter. well anyway, enjoy/loathe the video.


xxxViceroyxxx ::: Favorites
so, somehow, 4 of you were able to do: Vocals 2 Guitars 2 Custom Percussion instruments Samples/media, keyboards Drums Turntables ? are yall some sort of mutant freaks?
07-10-06 21:21:13
madog13 ::: Favorites
some of that i agreed to and some of that i didnt. good video though.
07-10-06 18:49:09
madog13 ::: Favorites
the nine members think is used as an insult becuz they dont use the nine members creatively. me and my friends have done a succesful cover of slapknut with four people.
07-10-06 18:44:23
ElVerplano ::: Favorites
@stercon,2) that other point is not so important: the metal genre is one whith blurred edges. i.e. everyone would count metallica to be metal today, but if you compare their work to then contemporary metal, you hear its 50% ny punk. so, this whole "definition of metal" discussion does not mean much to me.
07-10-06 07:16:37
ElVerplano ::: Favorites
@stercon: well this is exactly not what i mean. i was trying to say that it _does not matter_ whether slipknot are metal, or not. considering art, complexity does not matter, but inspiration. there are few "true" metal bands that have created even one single song with a unique sound and intrigueing theme like "duality", for example.
07-10-06 07:15:45
stercon ::: Favorites
I'm an overly pretentious metal purist, so while the difference is not enormous, it matters to me.
07-10-05 16:08:02
stercon ::: Favorites
Ok. Listen to it. Compare Agalloch, Wintersun, old In Flames, King Diamond, Falconer, Kamelot, After Forever, Cannibal Corpse, etc... to Slipknot. Huge variety there, if you can't tell me that there's a huge difference in complexity, style, and presentation between them and Slipknot, I'm done here, and you're not worth arguing with. Slipknot has elements of metal, yes, and so does He Is Legend. Doesn't make them metal.
07-10-05 16:06:42
ElVerplano ::: Favorites
@ stercon: i see no contradiction between the flamers being stupid and the whole metal/nu metal thing. actually, i dont even know the one and only, wholy truth about how to define metal. as i know some about composing, i guess such definition doesnt even exist.
07-10-03 19:47:53
xxxViceroyxxx ::: Favorites
two words: prove it.
07-10-03 16:31:43
stercon ::: Favorites
Lol. FAIL. Sure, you're right, most Slipknot haters are stupid flamers. But here's one little problem. Slipknot is not metal. doesn't matter how much logic you twist, how many definitions you try to apply, electric guitars and screaming do not make a metal band. Musically, Nu metal is about as close to metal as hardcore.
07-10-03 05:07:39

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