Friday, September 14, 2007


Duration: 05:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-04 06:01:22
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issuesrgood ::: Favorites
oh really entreprenosis..liar whats my current email address then if you can post other fake info such as a fake address and phone number on here then post my fake email LOL
07-09-05 13:18:31
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
LOL tissuesrgood, aka Steve Holota of 6 S Marktet St, New Ringgold, PA,17960 (570) 943-7762. What? You think I'm the only one on the Internet that thinks you're a girl-abusing pussy? No loser, you've got far more enemies than this. BTW, I don't have your current email address. You can PM me with it though ladiesman:)
07-09-05 01:38:33
issuesrgood ::: Favorites
entreprenosis youre a dickheaded was you who emailed me under the name of "demo" saying how youre gonna find me and kick my ass..blah blah blah always talking but not seeing any action..DUFAS
07-09-04 12:40:35
freedomman12 ::: Favorites
Ron Paul Revolution/SPP Protest in Quebec Canada: youtube. com/watch?v=G1OVkJcsmas
07-08-21 16:23:13
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
Did he go back and forth on abortion or make a serious decision to support pro-life in full? His record shows the latter. Romney has an actual shot at being nominated which is more than your candidate can claim.
07-08-21 16:20:13
plc1 ::: Favorites
Watch the older videos on Romney. Flip-Flop-Flip-Flop. Is a phony. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him elected, as he has in the past. He's one-term governor. Bush was a 1 1/2 term governor...
07-08-19 19:09:44
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
PonRaul's immigration record sucks! Romney's record on pro-life issues in Massachusetts is extremely consistent... He decided in favor of life on every piece of legislation that came before him concerning it. PonRaul gets even lower marks for his recent votes.
07-08-19 18:57:55
xdemon25 ::: Favorites
I have my doubts that Mitt will get voted, but you would be wishing that you voted him. Luckly, he has a way better chance when the 2012 election comes. At least, if he didn't get voted on 2008. Go Mitt.
07-08-18 21:21:46
plc1 ::: Favorites
LOL... It's great that Ron Paul has a record to look at. Romney is a former 1 term governor who has filp-flopped horrobly in his short time in public service. Keep in mind that Ron Paul has been a congressman as far back as the 70s. Different times, different priorities, and different approches back then.
07-08-18 18:00:44
entreprenosis ::: Favorites
"Excellent article on Ron Paul" Really? You think it's excellent that he is in the bottom 39% on the issue of illegal immigration? LOL, and then you have the nerve to claim that Iowans gave him a win in their straw poll. You don't know how Iowans feel on this issue, do you!
07-08-18 17:52:18

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