Friday, August 31, 2007

Re: Is Baptism necessary?

Duration: 14:25 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-27 23:05:40
User: wayman29
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My views on baptism. Videos get longer when I drink while recording.. Sorry. Hindu-Goddess of the rivers and healing. One part of her is the milky way and the other the river Ganges. The Ganges is the Holy River of Hinduism. Bathing in its waters cleanses one of all sins. She is the Goddess of health and luck. Ganga = Cleansing Stream The story goes that this "mother of rivers" once lived in heaven with her sister, the virgin, Uma. When sea-dwelling demons harassed the earth, Agastya swallowed the ocean where they hid, thereby getting rid of the demons; but the earth was left seriously parched and dry. Because of the prayers of the people, the heavenly water goddess Ganga descended to earth. She became embodied as the sacred river Ganges. Her role is as the goddess of health, happiness, fertility, and wealth. One of the wives of Shiva, she was the daughter of the mountain Himalaya. In Judaism and early Christianity it is the Jordon. Christian Textual Variants: The verb used in the New Testament is (βαπτίζω, baptízō). The substantives báptisma and baptismós occur, though the latter is not used in the New Testament of the ordinance of baptism except by implication (Heb_6:2, "the teaching of baptisms") where the reference is to the distinction between the Christian ordinance and the Jewish ceremonial ablutions. Some documents have it also in Col_2:12 (compare Heb_9:10, "divers washings") for a reference purely to the Jewish purifications (compare the dispute about purifying in Joh_3:25). The verb baptizō appears in this sense in Luk_11:38 (margin) where the Pharisee marveled that Jesus "had not first bathed himself before breakfast" (noon-day meal). The Mosaic regulations required the bath of the whole body (Lev_15:16) for certain uncleannesses. Tertullian (de Baptismo, XV) says that the Jew required almost daily washing. Herodotus (ii.47) says that if an Egyptian "touches a swine in passing with his clothes, he goes to the river and dips himself (báptō) from it" (quoted by Broadus in Commentary on Matthew, 333). See also the Jewish scrupulosity illustrated in Sirach 34:25 and Judith 12:7 where baptizō occurs. The Baptists make one more point concerning baptism. It is that, since Jesus himself submitted to it and enjoined it upon His disciples, the ordinance is of perpetual obligation. The arguments for the late ecclesiastical origin of Mat 28:19 are not convincing. If it seem strange that Jesus should mention the three persons of the Trinity in connection with the command to baptize, one should remember that the Father and the Spirit were both manifested to Him at His baptism. It was not a mere ceremonial ablution like the Jewish rites. It was the public and formal avowal of fealty to God, and the names of the Trinity properly occur. The new heart is wrought by the Holy Spirit. Reconciliation with the Father is wrought on the basis of the work of the Son, who has manifested the Father's love in His life and death for sin. The fact that in the acts in the examples of baptism only the name of Jesus occurs does not show that this was the exact formula used. International Standard Encyclopedia "Baptism: The Baptist Interpretation". For a well rounded Catholic theological view, that was very well done, see the FatherNathan video on the topic. He raises some very good questions.

nerttemptingbroadoa ::: Favorites
have a fun fling anytime of day at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-15 02:35:20
wayman29 ::: Favorites
Excellent well thought out comment!
07-07-29 10:12:50
wayman29 ::: Favorites
Right! Saint Agustin put forth what would become the orthodox views of the trinity.
07-07-29 10:10:43
wayman29 ::: Favorites
Here Paul say one must not use words but one must internalize the metephor of the cross and internalize the sufferings. "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." This was never acted on due the the many divisions with in the body. The broken body of Christ one eats at communion shows the many parts of the whole in scattered pieces. Like his church.
07-07-29 10:09:38
wayman29 ::: Favorites
Here is influence of the prot-Gnostic idea. Such an argument is countered by the saying of Christ that one must be as a child.If the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God how would one ever come to repentance by reading the word. One dose not need a highter knowlage to understand biblical teachings.
07-07-29 10:04:46
Bigdogtim7 ::: Favorites
I don't care who you are, but this guy is so slow and sidetracked that it is impossible to understand what he is saying.
07-07-28 19:08:55
Bigdogtim7 ::: Favorites
You simply forget or do not know the "Dual Nature" that was the Flesh of Jesus Christ the Son & GOD in that Flesh. Simply put he was GOD robbed in the Flesh and Labelled the SON of GOD!
07-07-28 19:07:28
pbgirl09 ::: Favorites
your breathing is really annoying. Turn down the mic.
07-07-22 15:37:53
REPENTandBELIEVE ::: Favorites
I was Catholic for 26 years myself, Born into the RC without choice. I became Christian after chosing myself to accept Jesus as my personal sviour I decided to get baptised again according to the Bible.
07-06-27 15:50:08
wayman29 ::: Favorites
And the second is like unto it. Neither mention baptism or people going to hell. I'm sure you have Catholic neibhors. Let's not grab a hand full of what we think are weeds and end up pulling up the weat.
07-06-27 15:39:14

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