Saturday, August 4, 2007

Inside Iraq - Baker/Hamilton Report - 08 Dec 06 - Part 2

Duration: 662 seconds
Upload Time: 07-07-09 08:26:58
User: AlJazeeraEnglish
:::: Favorites

The Baker-Hamilton report on Iraq has generated more contraversies than solutions - it recommended the Iraqi army do the heavy fighting, not US troops.

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wolfe63 ::: Favorites
This is the way U.S. News programming used to be before corporate consolidation. Currently, Al Jazeera, seems to be a fair and open forum for the free exchange of ideas. Please do not change. Please do not succumb to commercial and religious pressures as have your American counter-parts! The people need real and up-to-date information; not entertainment and mind-numbing trivia. We need facts and multiple perspectives of the world's most important issues.
07-07-09 11:53:04
NJ2LA2000 ::: Favorites
I don't understand how a news network can vilify the discussion of the Israeli conflict while attempting to cover the Iraqi conflict. This report was mistitled and misleading. The debate was about Israel not having a right to exist in the region with some comments peppered in by an Iraqi official.
07-07-09 14:17:10
Haitashi ::: Favorites debate. Very informative.
07-07-09 16:35:21
agcruz ::: Favorites
As americans, we need this viewpoint. Criticism of our foreign policy should be constructive at the citizen-level of the American system.
07-07-09 17:15:48
bwmeyer ::: Favorites
Perhaps Al Jazeera will show us some beheadings of innocent people. That's what they also consider to be fair journalism.
07-07-09 21:49:00
VicDeHaven ::: Favorites
I am enjoying the exchange of ideas on this news forum that does not inlude the news anchor butting in quite as often as on US TV. The lack of commercial interuption is another plus. The quests also behave themselves better, without getting in to the shouting matches that I see on domestic US news programs. Aljazeera will definitely be on my list of places to look for world news.
07-07-09 21:52:46
vidensodoacer ::: Favorites
It used to be like this? Wow, if only I was born earlier.
07-07-09 21:59:05
shiftigizm ::: Favorites
bwmeyer it is a misconception that Al-Jazeera showed beheadings. This false report was made by Fox News, and was later retracted with an apology. Unfortunately, the report made an impact that was not erased by the retraction.
07-07-10 04:14:42
gumacyare ::: Favorites
very interesting program.keep up Aljazeera for ur keepng us informed. More vifeos would be nice.
07-07-11 05:53:45
Doug012 ::: Favorites
As an American worker I dont give a shit about any of you over there and I dont know any of you. Leave us Americans out or your life. If you had jobs you wouldnt have time to throw rocks.
07-07-11 22:17:10

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