Monday, September 3, 2007

Soviet (Estonian) commercial: "ETKVL: Bring us your eggs!"

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-24 13:15:35
User: antonpoiss
:::: Favorites

During the soviet regime people were only allowed to grow foodstuffs for their own use. Any surpluses you had, you were supposed to sell to the state. In theory, one was not allowed to sell the products of his or her labour in the open market, because that could have lead to the root of all evil - profit. In practice however it would have been nearly impossible to enforce that, so people were simply encouraged to sell their surpluses to the state. This commercial by Harry Egipt serves exactly that purpose - it is supposed to encourage people to sell all their vegetable and other agricultural surpluses to the state, since prices are always "fair". The words go something like: "Bring us your cabbages, bring us your apples, bring us your potates from your land, bring us your honey, bring eggs, prices are fair for you, me and everyone. ETKVL (the state company redistributing the goods) buys: apples cabbages honey potatoes eggs"

Hobu123 ::: Favorites
It is Estonian commercial and although it was occupied by USSR those times, our TV was in Estonian language (including commercials). This is not fake, I remember it from my childhood.
07-08-29 06:27:12
Nighttrap38 ::: Favorites
"Bring us all your food stuffs...or your ass is getting put away for 'political crimes.'"
07-08-27 21:32:54
Valtteri9292 ::: Favorites
The times in the Soviet Union was hard :/
07-08-16 14:55:50
telkola ::: Favorites
very interesting.. so maybe there was some kinda "black market" after all? i dont understand how people started a company (i mean: the equivalent of the company) under soviet system? did they apply for the permit or sthg? What you did if you wanted to express yourself? of course you could apply for a state company's (sovhosis) job, right?
07-07-31 01:44:04
shannonsweetnymphg ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date
07-07-30 02:23:34
Cockmongler ::: Favorites
Knew that I would make it if I tried
07-07-28 19:53:46
Cockmongler ::: Favorites
Isn't this sung to the tune of The Last Supper from Jesus Christ Superstar?
07-07-28 19:53:13
Sigakoer ::: Favorites
to: Antonpoiss Aga kas on õige Harry Egipti omaaegsete reklaamide puhul kasutada sõna "nõukogude"? Muidugi on need reklaamid tehtud omas ajas ja tolleaegses ühiskonnas, kuid midagi eriti "nõukogulikku" ju nende lahedates camp stiilis klippides pole.
07-07-01 04:19:19
Sigakoer ::: Favorites
"there were no actual commercials in the Soviet Uninion, and above all TV was mostly in russian" But Baltic states were somewhat different from Soviet Union proper. I remember well, that in Estonian TV were commercials in 1970s and 1980s. And this commercial is not fake.
07-06-29 14:39:13
antonpoiss ::: Favorites
sorry, but that is complete rubbish. I lived in the USSR for years, so firstly: this is a genuine soviet commercial, I saw it with my own eyes on soviet estonian TV on numerous occasions. secondly, the only channels that were in russian were those covering the whole USSR but the local channels of course were in local languages. thirdly, everything about this commercial is as soviet as it gets.
07-06-24 16:11:10

george clooney / soggy bottom boys -man of constant sorrow

Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 06-11-21 11:27:46
User: mantelmouse
:::: Favorites

george clooney / soggy bottom boys -man of constant sorrow the video from the movie " 'O brother where art thou"

kabo3lives ::: Favorites
We had to watch it too. I think my Okie teacher has a crush on George Clooney...he looks good for an older guy.
07-09-03 01:31:14
Snowconestocker ::: Favorites
I love this movie
07-09-03 00:43:30
Snowconestocker ::: Favorites
OMG, we don't want to know about porn sights!!!!!
07-09-03 00:43:10
siva2373a744 ::: Favorites
This vid is awesome.. you can get the uncensored version at _SUNNYFIRE.NET_ -siva2373a744
07-09-03 00:13:31
dudesters98 ::: Favorites
u suck, that movie's awesome, it's a classic!
07-09-01 20:29:32
Ligaene ::: Favorites
Ray McKinnon played the reverand in Deadwood season 1 :=)
07-08-05 06:44:27
kkrakenn ::: Favorites
same :D cept i dont find george clooney hot ;(
07-08-02 10:56:46
bexybex12 ::: Favorites
i had 2 watch this in science 2day lol it was crap, my science teacher mr moore seemed 2 love it! :S weird...
07-07-20 09:47:31
xkima1x ::: Favorites
i love this song its great,yes im an oki from musckogee
07-07-09 11:44:45
meanbug92 ::: Favorites
no its some other weird group
07-07-04 18:28:17

Requiem por un héroe

Duration: 07:09 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-11 13:25:30
User: hechicera1936
:::: Favorites

Contra la maldición de ETA, ese cáncer que padece desde hace mucho tiempo ya el pueblo español, y aún más duramente el pueblo vasco.ETA no es VASCONIA.VASCONIA es ESPAÑA.

197001 ::: Favorites
Da gusto aprender, por mala suerto me as malentendido, pero bueno. Espero que sigas como eres. SATYAT NASTI PARO DHARMA
07-08-29 18:14:58
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
Busco, y sé que algún día llegara su momento, la superación de esa dicotomia caduca y obsoleta entre izquiera y derecha. Pero una superación radical, desde las raices, no vale el conformismo derrotado de los moderados. La sociedad me presentó a J.A como un fascista, las palabras de sus obras me demostraron otra cosa bien distinta.Dejé de creer en la educación que había recibido y empecé a recomponer el macabro puzzle que la historiografía política nos ha legado.
07-08-29 14:18:02
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
¿O sea?¿Una parrafada tan larga para no decir nada?¿Podrías ser más explícito?Es que soy imbécil y los discursos demasiado lúcidos no los entiendo. Será porque en ningún momento te he insultado yo manifiestamente y porque no entiendo la diferencia estructural en cuanto a esquemas mentales se refiere entre el neonazi y batasuna. SON EXACTAMENTE LO MISMO
07-08-29 14:10:38
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
Por cierto ya que decides chapurrear una lengua extranjera, prueba con el alemán que es al menos la lengua de los genios y pensadores, y no ese maldito balbuceo que no es más que la vía de transmisión de toda esa moral frívola e inhumana como el utilitarismo y pragmatismo anglosajones...
07-08-29 14:05:07
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
Bravo, te felicito, acabas de perder los buenos modos en tu impotencia por no saber argumentar con lógica lo que creías que debería de haberme convencido y has pasado a la segunda fase del cobarde: el insulto. Por cierto, muy culto también parece que eres sí señor...
07-08-29 13:59:22
197001 ::: Favorites
Supongo que llamar a manifestantes de Batasuna asesinos no es juzgar a tus ojos... cuando aprendas a a pensar por ti misma y no dejar que un libro te controle me hablas... con las ganas que tenia de encontrar a alguien que pudiese conversar sin empezar a insultar por que la vista de otra gente es diferente. Igual que en la cavernas, o en la mente de un neonazi.
07-08-28 18:34:03
197001 ::: Favorites
ME haces reir, intento hacerte ver que los hijos de puta de ETA son unos mierdas en mi opinion y nada a insultar... Y por cierto, no, no me importa el Castellano para nada puesto que comunicarse con un mono como tu parece ser aduarda tarea. Aparte, llamo a el "Pais Vasco" como quiera, si me sale de los huevos Euskal Herria. Anyways, I guess an imbecil like you wouldnt even be able to tell the diference between a war and terrorism so I wont bother to proceed with this senceless conversation.
07-08-28 18:29:55
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
Ah, y por si te interesa, en castellano "aya" se escribe con "ll" y Euskadi se dice País Vasco o Vasconia, del mismo modo que a nadie se le ocurre decir London o England.
07-08-28 12:38:07
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
El problema es que no es MI VIDA la que importa sino SUS VIDAS, las de los que fenecieron por una causa infrapolítica, injusta, bellaca e inhumana. Las VIDAS que se extinguieron con un tiro en la nuca. Argumentad como los valientes, usando la razón histórica y no la violencia física y os escucharé, y os escucharemos. Cada una de sus balas asesina también un poquito de sus razones.
07-08-28 12:33:49
hechicera1936 ::: Favorites
No sabes nada de mi. Prejuzgas.
07-08-28 12:27:43

IDLEWILD - you held the world in your arms

Duration: 04:32 minutes
Upload Time: 06-06-07 20:03:35
User: hezger
:::: Favorites

from the album: the remote part (2001)

DarkAngel323 ::: Favorites
DO NOT READ THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that u r reading this. U Will Kiss The Love Of Ur Life tomorrow if u copy and paste this comment 2 three more videos in the next 5 min.But if you dont will will die. After u post the comments press F1 and u crushes name will come up on the screen
07-09-02 19:30:43
ScotsROCKER ::: Favorites
great song, shame theres shiteholes like reddevil who post comments in it as well
07-08-27 17:01:26
mpnclax1 ::: Favorites
this is one of my favorite cds, it has so many good songs on, and i love this vid
07-08-27 00:43:48
weebrycey ::: Favorites
Thanks for helping me remember where I'd this song before, FIFA 2003!! :D And reddevil you're an arsehole :D
07-08-21 16:27:15
reddevil70 ::: Favorites
07-08-18 17:07:31
Cappitaox ::: Favorites
Love it!!
07-08-10 18:02:35
neovoag ::: Favorites
Damn, i loved this dsong in Fifa 2003 :D
07-08-09 08:58:30
yourlocalpoet ::: Favorites
i never heard in jangly appregios in this...all i heard was screaming guitars...which i didn't happen to hear in the smiths.
07-08-01 04:45:44
qontranami ::: Favorites
<Sigh> Oh the memories of FIFA 2003.
07-07-29 01:28:13
simoli4 ::: Favorites
i love london by this song
07-07-22 20:57:46

Wrestling: Matthew vs. Ellen

Duration: 00:51 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-14 19:09:27
User: batmanforever94
:::: Favorites

Okay this is the last little quarter-whatever of a match between Ellen and Matthew. Ahhg Ellen is a crazzy wild wrestler (so glad I didn't face her)! And pay no attention to our commentary/Amanda's head. sorry about the little green line on the right side... i dont know why its there.

crazedcowz ::: Favorites
O.o and whats with the girl who keeps popping up?
07-04-11 14:00:23
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
HA he deserved it
07-07-17 11:27:46
batmanforever94 ::: Favorites
...and why might that be?
07-07-20 17:31:28
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
cuz... i dunno, he's too jokyful and needed to be beat... didnt he cry afterwards or something... think he did
07-07-20 20:59:02
batmanforever94 ::: Favorites
i dont think so... wait who r u?
07-07-20 21:08:41
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
07-07-20 22:43:48
batmanforever94 ::: Favorites
fyi, i suck at guessing... anything. hmm. probably a guy. jared, james, christian, jeffrey, mohnish, andrew, colin, sahil, alec, matthew, or aaron. hmm. thats though... i cant see anyone who would say he deserves to be beat... okay i totally give up. who are you?
07-07-20 22:55:34
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
none of the above, not a guy, i openly hate most popular shit though, but get along with most everyone at the school, i was also in your is class
07-07-21 01:16:12
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
you think i could be christian, or james (too innocent), and why would matthew say that about himself.. and talk about himself in third person, although i could see colin say that.
07-07-21 01:24:55
batmanforever94 ::: Favorites
yeaa i was just listing all the guys in our p.e. class (which doesnt make sense on my behalf b/c jared & mohnish both have youtube accounts. and matthew wouldnt talk about himself...) so anyways... ellen?
07-07-21 03:43:20
xXxnolongerlivingxXx ::: Favorites
07-07-21 12:01:14
remorap4 ::: Favorites
"choke...choke..." :]
07-08-22 05:18:50

Sum 41-The Jester

Duration: 03:47 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-15 17:53:32
User: jacko7441
:::: Favorites

A new song from the new sum 41 album Underclass Hero

tulen007 ::: Favorites
07-09-02 15:54:22
unseenpunk41 ::: Favorites
the only good song.... ppl dont know shit.... fucking, they changed so god damn fucking much...
07-09-02 10:25:50
unseenpunk41 ::: Favorites
fuck you..... quality album... this album is whorrible... this is the only goood fucking song on it... fuck eveything else... dear father, count your last blessing... fucking discrace to music... theyre changign.. their losign so much more fans... this album sucked... fuck it... they failed... theyre no longer my favorite band... and you people dont see what they did sicne you all wana hear the same odl poppy hsit
07-09-02 10:25:09
cottonemo ::: Favorites
i dont care for Avril.... her music was good but then i guess i just perfer music like this... thats AWESOME!!! to stuff that i hate...
07-09-02 04:54:35
hiddenkara ::: Favorites
If you like Deryck so much, then why don't you respect his decision to marry the woman he loves: Avril?
07-08-28 19:41:17
soulthief3 ::: Favorites
I agree with : deryck is the best, but I don't hate avril
07-08-26 12:51:11
blubbo223 ::: Favorites
fuckin quality song and album
07-08-26 04:23:42
rockrules30 ::: Favorites
who in the fuk said this is a fukin mcr song cos its bloody well not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-24 11:39:39
easilyamused19 ::: Favorites
somebody said that this song was an mcr rip off but it doesn't sound anything like them
07-08-22 09:15:35
123bamtobam ::: Favorites
meh....i hate avril but deryk is the best FUCK YAH SEEIN THEM OCT.12
07-08-21 19:55:57

DOWN LOW - Murder (1997)

Duration: 04:58 minutes
Upload Time: 07-02-25 16:56:08
User: eurorap
:::: Favorites

The music video to Down Low - Murder. To find out more about this artist, such as biographies, discographies, pictures, lyrics etc then visit . Many of the big artists are also members in our community. We would also like to thank for the great service of being able to provide you all with our videos

Solidsnakeshowtime ::: Favorites
Mann, das waren echt geile Zeiten mit den geilsten Songs...keine billigen Attrappen wie Bushido , und Sido ...Das hier DOWN LOW ...das ist echer Gangsterrap
07-08-28 06:38:55
blancagrltechno ::: Favorites
The TOP webcam dating site at CAMAZONDATING dot COM
07-08-16 17:14:15
Martinalutherking ::: Favorites
So let me get this straight: he's a black man who married a white woman and she cheated on him w/ a white man? Is that right?! Who wrote this OJ?
07-08-11 09:18:03
jodacska ::: Favorites
thats god i like it
07-08-06 15:50:23
LiBWar25252525 ::: Favorites
Die Zeit müsste nochmal wieder kommen LEUTE. Best musik Time ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-28 15:53:53
playerpaco ::: Favorites
an old video
07-07-24 20:17:19
desertmac ::: Favorites
This is intense shit! Amazing.
07-06-21 05:10:05
vannolli2006 ::: Favorites
that is a really good question,i am also interested in finding songs performed by Down Low,so if someone has a site where we can find Down Low, tell us adress
07-06-11 12:18:12
durimiCC1 ::: Favorites
can some one tell me where can i find this song as mp3 pleaseee. cuz i'v searched it but i didn't find it .. so can some one reply to me pls!!
07-06-09 16:08:17
Osmanenschreck ::: Favorites
Da habt ihr alle recht jungs. Das war noch musik.
07-06-09 13:09:24

WWF Invasion Intro

Duration: 06:01 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-12 11:13:54
User: tannerman555
:::: Favorites


johncenarouge ::: Favorites
ya i no but were there any other fueds other than this
07-09-02 10:38:48
russseager ::: Favorites
Despite not having the biggest WCW stars... I must admit the WWF did a great job w/ the Invasion storyline
07-09-02 02:53:56
DerangedHermit ::: Favorites
HBK didn't come back yet (and wouldn't for another year), and HHH had a quad injury that took him out during the Invasion.
07-09-02 01:48:44
MackTheKnife12 ::: Favorites
Yeah true but as very businessman knows, time is money
07-08-31 21:07:15
retardedscarded ::: Favorites
yea no one cares about cena or hhh or hbk just tell me the name of the song that begins at 1:13
07-08-30 13:45:16
splintacell6 ::: Favorites
why did u edit it when stone cold comes back i think most ppl wonna see him fighting hes way back into wwf :(
07-08-30 11:39:06
johncenarouge ::: Favorites
hmmmm wheres hhh and hbk,like i mean has there been more things happening during this time other than this i mean i dont remember
07-08-30 10:20:44
miasma1616 ::: Favorites
Vinnie Mac should have kept the companies seperate and MAYBE brought them together at WM PPVs. Yes, I know, expenses rise like a mofo, but could the WWE profited more from it? Maybe.
07-08-30 02:05:58
payin100 ::: Favorites
Any one know whers the actual 5 vs 5 match!!
07-08-30 00:01:51
johncenarouge ::: Favorites
dammit why did they make this promo i mean dont get me wrong the storyline was great but before this,wwf,wcw,and ecw was at its top then it went downhill i mean wtf!
07-08-29 20:52:43

The Last Song-The All-American Rejects

Duration: 05:00 minutes
Upload Time: 07-03-13 15:54:18
User: AllAmericanRejectlvr
:::: Favorites

A slide show I made of some of my favorite pictures of The All-American Rejects all set to one of my favorite songs by them:The Last Song! ENJOY!!!

02laura ::: Favorites
i love this song!! :D
07-08-27 20:27:46
xKissMeLikeImFamousx ::: Favorites
Wow, this is amazing! I love the pictures! Lol, AAR is awesome! Great video! =]
07-08-19 12:40:15
AllAmericanRejectlvr ::: Favorites
ohh it was no problem!! =] i love them just as much!!
07-08-15 23:20:57
cpgurl54 ::: Favorites
hey these guys r soooooo great thanks so much for the vidio of the aar! write back!!
07-08-15 15:04:58
iheartwaffles99 ::: Favorites
07-08-09 00:09:29
iaarad ::: Favorites
07-08-05 19:18:04
9netty9 ::: Favorites
this isnt the last song right they rock they cant go :(
07-08-01 12:19:22
deathbyplaydoh ::: Favorites
Their first one was the one with the go-cart on it, then they made "move along as the second one" i know nothign about a third"
07-07-31 05:04:43
boston223 ::: Favorites
My nephew typed that in. sorry i don't know what he is talking about either.
07-07-28 23:45:18
AllAmericanRejectlvr ::: Favorites
lol i have no clue
07-07-28 20:19:18

Lil Fizz ft. Akon - On Me

Duration: 04:50 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 07:33:05
User: amabetayo
:::: Favorites

Only Audio of "On Me"

letsgetgone ::: Favorites
07-09-01 22:01:02
aji48 ::: Favorites
love dis song!!!!!!!!!!!
07-08-31 21:27:59
syrenaboo ::: Favorites
07-08-31 00:19:36
treesrhot123 ::: Favorites
love this<3
07-08-29 07:25:35
syrenaboo ::: Favorites
oooooooo i luv dis song is dis on hiz new album
07-08-27 19:46:48
torell094life ::: Favorites
07-08-23 17:08:24
skittleslol ::: Favorites
07-08-21 21:02:38
seliegymnastwomanrd ::: Favorites
Find a fun fling today at DAYFLING dot COM
07-08-20 06:39:16
OoSoEMO ::: Favorites
Ooo i like this song!
07-08-16 01:17:01
MsByrd1 ::: Favorites
I like this song
07-08-14 20:42:35

Csorba Tv Szentes

Duration: 02:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-24 12:56:01
User: borosikiki
:::: Favorites

Egy értelmes riport

Paszuly666 ::: Favorites
Ez nagyon súlyos!! :D
07-08-28 03:41:28
feriszentes ::: Favorites
Úristen,mi ez a szánalmas,igénytelen alkotás?Anyám borogass
07-07-01 12:55:47
Lancelonia ::: Favorites
Arra lejjebb nincs kituntetesuk. Kar!
07-03-31 15:17:43
rcs2003 ::: Favorites
Hehe. Valóban súlyos volt, köszönet annak aki bedigitalizálta az adást (hihi).
07-02-13 15:38:06
Lavina941 ::: Favorites
Jó a kalapja a faszinak!!!:D:D:D:D
07-02-07 14:54:51
harapunk ::: Favorites
Lehet h SZentes nem túl nagy hely, de találhattak volna értelmesebb riporternőt is. Ez komolyan lement a helyi tévébe? LOL!
07-02-01 17:35:04
SkaYos ::: Favorites
Szerintem a paraszt értelmesebb
07-01-30 03:49:35
chybee23 ::: Favorites
07-01-29 17:00:36
pcsirke ::: Favorites
szánalooooom :DDDDDDDDDDDDDd
07-01-27 20:02:27
tomkesz ::: Favorites
Ez egy kurva szánalmas szar, ezt az nyanyát meg felpofoznám, hogy dögöljön meg. A 3 éves unokaöcsém értelmesebben beszél.
07-01-27 17:46:54

The Day After - 1983 [TV, ABC] - Nuclear Attack

Duration: 03:55 minutes
Upload Time: 06-10-21 20:36:17
User: dctmpeg
:::: Favorites

This famous scene from the highly-controversial made for TV movie "The Day After" shows a nuclear attack on a major US City, in the midwest. Yes, the special effects are cheesy.. It's interesting to note that the whole "X-RAY" effects are not only odd, but were cut from the recent airing on the Sci-Fi channel...!

fossefan ::: Favorites
There's good taste, and then there's those weird ass effects. Though, it's no joke that this was very scary back in the day.
07-09-02 19:39:10
sisterbrothers ::: Favorites
I was about that age as well when this came out. I actually viewed 'The Day After' before 'Threads' - but the latter I found far more disturbing. Every few months or so I find myself going back to study the nuclear threat, it's so hardcoded in my mind.
07-08-30 15:01:48
linuxguy999 ::: Favorites
That's what's it's meant to be!
07-08-29 13:00:51
Rymac91 ::: Favorites
I have to admit, effects and cutting for this scene were very good! and it makes the scene seem somewhat real. The Xray effect makes it rather chilling to watch. Though the mushroom clouds seem a little weird. They look like Ink blots in water and edited to a different color.
07-08-21 22:54:46
noclass33 ::: Favorites
in retrospect it's a shame that the soviet union didn't annhilate the usa in 1983...think of all the hideous people we would have been spared...britney wd never hav been heard of...and bush wd just be a name for pussy....
07-08-20 23:47:50
stacker2ephedra ::: Favorites
Ephedra diet pills are scientifically proven to melt fat and raise metabolism without diet or exercise. I would recommend the Black Ice ephedra even though they have more of a selection with free shipping: ww w.thatswholesale. com
07-08-20 20:57:16
atomicplayboy4u ::: Favorites
Spoken like a stupid know nothing liberal ! Go take some reading comprehension classes and a history lesson from a teacher who isnt an American hating ponytailed brainwashing marxist swine! America is great / The then soviet union a murdering dictatorship! If you dont get this you are a imbecilic fool !
07-08-18 14:47:32
atomicplayboy4u ::: Favorites
First off the neo cons are a bunch of liberal morons like the socialistic commie perverts ! Bush is a loser liberal one world order loser like his blubbering old man ! Save ya perverted liberal talking points its so freaking old ! As far as a nazi movement it will be started by the demented intolerate politically correct swine on the left! I spit on all of you ! As usual ya morons on the left cant stay on topic my post was in regard to the coldwar/1980`s imbecile !
07-08-18 14:41:06
dkphoenix05 ::: Favorites
Sci-fi cut the "x-ray" part? That sucks. It was my favorite part. I thought it was effective, though maybe not accurate.
07-08-17 05:24:02
dkphoenix05 ::: Favorites
scared the hell out of me, too. For the time, it scared a lot of people.
07-08-17 05:21:38


Duration: 06:58 minutes
Upload Time: 06-09-28 00:02:21
User: kagebunshinnojitsu
:::: Favorites


David1582 ::: Favorites
PS3 Kinda has a bad internet connection. Well I guess of course I'm paying for the X-box one so I deserve a better one but would you rather game by yourself or get online with your friends and kick each other asses?
07-08-14 00:32:40
David1582 ::: Favorites
Maybe it was taken? My name is Shadow CAGE not Kage from Naruto but I like spelling Cage, "Kage". So may be he just likes calling it jitsu.
07-08-14 00:31:08
CTVProductions ::: Favorites
sadly, it wont. Ubisoft said that there was to much bugs in the demo
07-08-13 00:52:52
Eversmen ::: Favorites
Wonder when the demo will come to Xbox Live, to download?
07-07-21 12:40:55
Eversmen ::: Favorites
Yo man, Learn to spell October...
07-07-21 12:34:56
Deathproof14 ::: Favorites
bad ass
07-07-09 14:35:38
OPMwarlordd ::: Favorites
th release date is oktober-november-december 2007
07-06-02 10:35:17
chewykiller ::: Favorites
wow thats good!! i cant wait!! whens the release date its said in may but thats is it out?
07-06-01 21:04:48
adzoss ::: Favorites
ps3 kiks xboxes ass!!!! by the way who is the girl speaking thruout the vid??? an where is she??? id love 2 go it like a convention or something?
07-04-13 16:47:55
Eversmen ::: Favorites
I saw no glitchs,So their doin good!
07-04-07 13:44:51


Duration: 02:23 minutes
Upload Time: 07-07-21 04:44:32
User: strip3s
:::: Favorites

Since I saw the trailer a few days ,wanted to make a trailer real quick enjoy Fan-Made

ClassClown101 ::: Favorites
wow perfect!
07-08-13 19:12:06
NarutoFlameGuardian ::: Favorites
cool and nice
07-08-12 14:14:26
gokussj4527 ::: Favorites
Cool trailer. =]
07-08-08 18:09:18
sprayingsolider ::: Favorites
cool 5/5
07-08-05 19:27:16
strip3s ::: Favorites
:D thnks
07-08-03 03:49:29
sai0com ::: Favorites
it was so perfect synched, awesome^^
07-08-02 07:34:16
RANSOFT ::: Favorites
haha awesome
07-08-01 13:42:47
strip3s ::: Favorites
thanks :D
07-08-01 01:04:46
ZetZu4real ::: Favorites
aaaaah~ sweet vid bro ;o 4.5/5 =]
07-07-29 16:16:12
mtg1302 ::: Favorites
i liked it man good job
07-07-28 21:06:35