Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Pivot Walking Tutorial

Duration: 02:03 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-07 09:23:46

Pivot walking 6 frame tutorial!


Una cobaya en la playa. (Rincón poético en castellano 2)

Duration: 02:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-30 10:58:00

Nueva entrega, siempre con la sensibilidad a flor de piel, del rincón poético en castellano de Mr. Jau. Esta vez, paseando por la playa.


skinnydipperman  2008-03-25 08:22:42

lo mejor de todo es que interpretas muy bien... si hasta me imagino la cobaya ja ja ja ja.
nuurocks  2008-02-23 13:18:19

jaumee yo estiic pujaan un super poema o poesia com es diguii (quina diferencia hi ha?) de la tartonjaaa xd mua
skinnydipperman  2008-02-16 19:26:00

wuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ja ja ja ja ja genial ja ja ja ja. pobre cobaya ja ja ja ja
mimidramaprincess  2008-02-16 13:55:06

qué emotivo. oh my god, pobre cobaya.
DRoBeR  2008-02-14 15:36:12

Ni coballa ni a abeja maya! pues todos saben que en Barcelona no hay playa! Es simple y pura ironía no me repliquéis como si saberlo no podría. Te envío un saludo para que tu vídeo sea aún más coj... :)


Duration: 02:02 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-10 12:01:53



Didn't win the Lottery?

Duration: 04:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-16 16:06:11

This is a brief discussion on the question why and why I ask so many. I also talk about the economy / American jobs / Immigration / money.


JoeShmoe65  2008-03-18 21:42:48

Thanks Ella!
TheCZMan  2008-03-18 04:03:29

See what I mean. So you have to be able to offer a much better salary than the indian developping corp to attract the guy. In the end, for a society, it means cutting down on training investment and shift the saved money on higher salary offers. That is the way it is now.
TheCZMan  2008-03-18 04:00:49

Service jobs will be outsourcing more and more. Because it costs less to hire already trained people than participate in training them. Each time the US hire a guy overseas, all the costs of education (for this guy) are zero. You also have to hire the best elements of each generation to prevent a competitor from arising. Eg: if you want to prevent a large computer corporation to developp in India, you have to hire the more talented workers there.
55ella2007k  2008-03-17 20:27:37

Good video, Vernon. Yes, even service jobs are being outsourced now. Has been going on for some time. Think of all the computer help lines, or processing of insurance claims for that matter. Medical transcription, secretarial work...etc. Things definitely don't look good...
TheCZMan  2008-03-17 19:35:58

I think noone has an idea on how much derivatives amount to.

Boom Tagshot

Duration: 05:55 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-12 13:49:01

I got tagged. I edit like a retard. People I sucked in: Thats all. I said that's all.


TechPepsi  2008-03-12 21:27:50

hahah nice
samsfilm  2008-02-06 13:27:05

I don't like normal coke so much, I prefer diet coke. And thanks ;)
babycakes964  2008-02-03 15:54:54

Haha nice video =P.. I'm a caffine addict too =D.. Mostly coke though xD.. Your hot =D
babycakes964  2008-02-03 15:53:50

lol xD
samsfilm  2008-01-22 06:54:32


Dave Becher Drum Training Part 2

Duration: 07:36 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-11-02 15:05:12

Physical exercises for personal improvement - Single, Doubles and Flams on the snare


17drums  2008-03-18 08:33:39

The funny thing is, I'm actually right-handed. But since I'm self-taught, I always visualized the drums descending like a guitar fret-board or piano keyboard--with the high notes on the right descending to the left. That's why I initially set it up lefty. So technically speaking, I guess all those 'righty' drummers out there, are the ones who are playing backwards!
rotekdrums  2008-03-17 18:51:35

Nice instructional video Dave! Looking at your set in the 35 year drum solo, I thought you were a lefty and sure enough you mention it here. You are tight and waste no energy, I learned something today for sure, keep up the good work!
17drums  2007-11-05 08:10:36

35 years. Thanks.
theminside  2007-11-04 10:42:28

how long u been at that for your good?

japones pelando platano

Duration: 01:11 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-03-01 08:24:36

como pela con el culo un platanoo!!! jajaja


some animes

Duration: 05:44 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-04 16:02:43

elfen lied, days,blood plus,


Asra6Kanon6rko6  2008-01-07 20:11:20

Asra6Kanon6rko6  2008-01-06 23:24:31

ahora ke lo veo..ahunke no tenga sound..en mi caso) se ve ke es abrumador esooo
Asra6Kanon6rko6  2008-01-04 21:10:10

la peinas pero ps ya ke...

Motherz Day

Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-15 16:12:36

Jeff recoreded a Mother's Day song for his mom. We put it to some photos we found of him. The result is a rather touching piece.


Adelaide a Drum and Bass Odyssey

Duration: 05:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-03 03:29:22

Drum and Bass in Adelaide, a media production featuring DJ Patch, DJ Fiction, DJ D-Jon, DJ MPK


BlueSage07  2007-08-11 07:16:37

Hey Patch mate :P, LIME from Messenger QLD.. Hope yer well mate, keep up the good work. Cheers.
Skinny22  2007-07-04 05:14:55

nice work lads - good to see some young'ns so into it already! boh