Monday, September 3, 2007

Soviet (Estonian) commercial: "ETKVL: Bring us your eggs!"

Duration: 00:41 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-24 13:15:35
User: antonpoiss
:::: Favorites

During the soviet regime people were only allowed to grow foodstuffs for their own use. Any surpluses you had, you were supposed to sell to the state. In theory, one was not allowed to sell the products of his or her labour in the open market, because that could have lead to the root of all evil - profit. In practice however it would have been nearly impossible to enforce that, so people were simply encouraged to sell their surpluses to the state. This commercial by Harry Egipt serves exactly that purpose - it is supposed to encourage people to sell all their vegetable and other agricultural surpluses to the state, since prices are always "fair". The words go something like: "Bring us your cabbages, bring us your apples, bring us your potates from your land, bring us your honey, bring eggs, prices are fair for you, me and everyone. ETKVL (the state company redistributing the goods) buys: apples cabbages honey potatoes eggs"

Hobu123 ::: Favorites
It is Estonian commercial and although it was occupied by USSR those times, our TV was in Estonian language (including commercials). This is not fake, I remember it from my childhood.
07-08-29 06:27:12
Nighttrap38 ::: Favorites
"Bring us all your food stuffs...or your ass is getting put away for 'political crimes.'"
07-08-27 21:32:54
Valtteri9292 ::: Favorites
The times in the Soviet Union was hard :/
07-08-16 14:55:50
telkola ::: Favorites
very interesting.. so maybe there was some kinda "black market" after all? i dont understand how people started a company (i mean: the equivalent of the company) under soviet system? did they apply for the permit or sthg? What you did if you wanted to express yourself? of course you could apply for a state company's (sovhosis) job, right?
07-07-31 01:44:04
shannonsweetnymphg ::: Favorites
check out DAYFLING dot COM and sign up for free to find a date
07-07-30 02:23:34
Cockmongler ::: Favorites
Knew that I would make it if I tried
07-07-28 19:53:46
Cockmongler ::: Favorites
Isn't this sung to the tune of The Last Supper from Jesus Christ Superstar?
07-07-28 19:53:13
Sigakoer ::: Favorites
to: Antonpoiss Aga kas on õige Harry Egipti omaaegsete reklaamide puhul kasutada sõna "nõukogude"? Muidugi on need reklaamid tehtud omas ajas ja tolleaegses ühiskonnas, kuid midagi eriti "nõukogulikku" ju nende lahedates camp stiilis klippides pole.
07-07-01 04:19:19
Sigakoer ::: Favorites
"there were no actual commercials in the Soviet Uninion, and above all TV was mostly in russian" But Baltic states were somewhat different from Soviet Union proper. I remember well, that in Estonian TV were commercials in 1970s and 1980s. And this commercial is not fake.
07-06-29 14:39:13
antonpoiss ::: Favorites
sorry, but that is complete rubbish. I lived in the USSR for years, so firstly: this is a genuine soviet commercial, I saw it with my own eyes on soviet estonian TV on numerous occasions. secondly, the only channels that were in russian were those covering the whole USSR but the local channels of course were in local languages. thirdly, everything about this commercial is as soviet as it gets.
07-06-24 16:11:10

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