Thursday, January 17, 2008


Duration: 07:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-09 23:02:05
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chiefeditor ::: Favorites  2008-01-08 01:22:04

oKAY SO WE know who writes Thompson's checks (neo-con)....Romney is afraid to speak up against Bush for the constitution....but has no problem spreading anti-Iran propaganda...tsk,tsk,tsk
baird007 ::: Favorites  2008-01-07 19:29:11

Protect yourself. Don't depend on the government to do it for you.
TheVegetaChannel ::: Favorites  2007-12-02 17:36:14

Snarkbutt ::: Favorites  2007-11-10 20:27:03

So true; the reason Iran's politicians are talking big is to prevent themselves from looking spineless to their constituents (like Congress!), and they are much more afraid of us than we should be of them. The Iranian nuclear program has been stunted by strict regulation, which has prevented them from building safe, reliable systems. Their nuclear safety regulation has been handed over to Russia (Chernobyl, anyone?) to create an imminent failure. Way to go, U.S.A.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 17:31:41

The other fake republicans like Rudy Giuliani are fake republican pussies. They shouldn't even be in the party. Rudy has the same policies as Hillary. Romney is an idiot. We don't need another pro-war pussy who starts wars over LIES like Bush did. America doesn't want another one. 2004 proved that. Now we're so bankrupt, we can't put into our national defense. They're a joke. Ron Paul is the only true republican.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 17:28:19

Wait for another 9/11? No, he'll do this thing called BUILD up our national defense so another 9/11 doesn't happen. Fact: al qaeda has grown much larger since we went in to Iraq. Fact: More Americans are dying in Iraq. In fact, so many more are dying, it easily adds up to more than two 9/11's. The reason we really went in to Iraq was because in 2003 we were enetring a light recession and Sadam husein was trading oil with Euros and not USD's, so we needed to gain control of the oil.
andrew197553 ::: Favorites  2007-10-25 13:15:34

yeah ron is anti-war, and thats his problem. he will sit here and wait for another 911. and yes the american public will vote for thompson and ron paul cant hold a candle to him. we dont need an anti war pussy in the whitehouse, we need someone who will protect us.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 18:37:48

Ron Paul is the ONLY republican who will and can win. Why? Because he is the ONLY anti-war candidate who can beat Hillary, who is now for the war in Iran( so is Oboma, Romney, and Rudy). Americans aren't going to vote for another pro-war neocon like Fred Tomson, Mitt Romney, or Rudy Giuliani. Ron Paul is our only hope to put America back on track, folks.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 18:37:45

Ron Paul is the ONLY republican who will and can win. Why? Because he is the ONLY anti-war candidate who can beat Hillary, who is now for the war in Iran( so is Oboma, Romney, and Rudy). Americans aren't going to vote for another pro-war neocon like Fred Tomson, Mitt Romney, or Rudy Giuliani. Ron Paul is our only hope to put America back on track, folks.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 18:37:13

Ron Paul is the ONLY republican who will and can win. Why? Because he is the ONLY anti-war candidate who can beat Hillary, who is now for the war in Iran( so is Oboma, Romney, and Rudy). Americans aren't going to vote for another pro-war neocon like Fred Tomson, Mitt Romney, or Rudy Giuliani. Ron Paul is our only hope to put America back on track, folks.
JackNeedles ::: Favorites  2007-10-23 18:36:51

Ron Paul is the ONLY republican who will and can win. Why? Because he is the ONLY anti-war candidate who can beat Hillary, who is now for the war in Iran( so is Oboma, Romney, and Rudy). Americans aren't going to vote for another pro-war neocon like Fred Tomson, Mitt Romney, or Rudy Giuliani. Ron Paul is our only hope to put America back on track, folks.
robsta0lobsta ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 18:48:41

Iran doesn't just want to protect themselves, they hate the western world and what they consider us: infidels.
appregios ::: Favorites  2007-10-19 00:58:47

heck iran just wants to protect themselves from us
AdamSonOfJohn ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 08:30:22

Where do you get this "everyone hated us" crap from? Some people hate us cause they're hateful people by nature - hence guys like Ahmedinejad who holds speeches where people shout death to america and death to Israel....but who could sympathize with people like that?
AdamSonOfJohn ::: Favorites  2007-10-14 08:28:04

Remember you said that. This time next year your screename will be RonGotCreamed12

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