Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Compared to Planets and Stars: We're Insignificant

Duration: 01:25 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-09 17:53:34
User: Nasaniaru
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Unlike my other videos, this video was not made by me. It showcases how utterly INSIGNIFICANT we as a species truly are. To give you an idea: An average sized human: 2 meters or 0.002 km Mercury: 4,880 km Mars: 6,794 km Venus: 12,104 km Earth: 12,756 km Neptune: 49,532 km Saturn: 108,728 km Jupiter: 142,984 km Sol (The Sun): 1,393,500 km Sirius: 2,506,500 km Pollux: 6,962,500 km Arcturus: 41,775,000 km Rigel: 86,335,000 km Betelgeuse: 905,125,000 km Antares: 1,108,430,000 km MY Cephei: 3,481,250,000 km VV Cephei: 3,676,200,000 km. (2,638 times bigger than Sol our Sun, 288,194 times bigger than Earth and a massively large, 1,838,100,000,000 times larger in diameter than a human. And even that's insignificant compared to the massive structure of the galaxy. And that is in turn mightly insignificant compared to the nearly endless expanse of the Universe. So now I pose the question, WHY THE HELL DOES HUMANITY HAVE SUCH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX? I'm just kidding there. I just love space and this movie shows one of the many reasons why I do. I hope you've enjoyed. Thank you for watching.


lucaboris ::: Favorites  2007-03-09 18:40:13

Yeah sorry people maybe I should have created the earth a little bigger, ah well I'm still having fun as a god ^^
Nasaniaru ::: Favorites  2007-03-09 19:07:58

Lol. That's all I have to say.
ooohhhlaalaalaa ::: Favorites  2007-03-14 01:56:04

Exactly. We seem so insignificant, yet the Lord God deeply cares for us and longs to have a personal relationship with us. WOW!
masteradnin ::: Favorites  2007-03-19 16:13:34

Amazing video bro
Nasaniaru ::: Favorites  2007-03-20 10:09:29

Like I said, I did not make this video. I just wanted to show people why I love space and astronomy. The only difference between me and the others who have uploaded this video is that I have included a very detailed summary of what you are seeing.
JediKiller18 ::: Favorites  2007-03-28 10:22:17

Where did you hear that?
petetheweet ::: Favorites  2007-04-03 10:16:49

Astounding. I had no idea the difference in size between our star and some others was so great.
visceralgristle ::: Favorites  2007-04-18 02:28:08

Interesting... you TOTALLY didn't get it, did you? This went right over your head. Your bible is rotting your brain.
SheepyMilk ::: Favorites  2007-04-26 21:44:01

...And I thought Sun was big... O_O Omg great video.
superultimatejesus ::: Favorites  2007-05-01 15:34:39

Why is Uranus missing from the list?
jesterboy555 ::: Favorites  2007-05-02 07:17:46

A *big* eye opener to be honest.
zarkscott ::: Favorites  2007-05-11 11:02:53

Hi Nasaniaru. I keep telling people that the human race is insignificant. There are so many self important people out there who think that just because they are alive today it must be significant. We are dust. They talk about climate change and human causes and i say get a sense of proportion. Human population = 375 million tons. So puny compared to earth, let alone the rest of it.
freezingh ::: Favorites  2007-05-18 08:59:02

is this real XD????? i didn't know there is a planet bigger than the sun XD
beerman545 ::: Favorites  2007-05-19 11:42:11

superultimatejesus ::: Favorites  2007-05-24 23:37:50

There isn't. After the sun, every object you see is just a star of different stellar class.

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