Friday, September 14, 2007

Bass Player Girl Pattern in E

Duration: 04:05 minutes
Upload Time: 07-01-29 01:09:07
User: vineyardedge
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Learn these patterns so that you can improvise in the key of E in a blues style song. I use this in rock songs often. There is another pattern in a major key that I will make a vid for too.

vineyardedge ::: Favorites
It's the same bass- maybe I just had the settings a lil different- but thanks :)
07-09-02 18:08:15
SlapATACK ::: Favorites
The tone of that bass is sooooooo much better then the blue one! Or maybe it is the blue one, I can't tell cause of the light. If it is, then you have made the tone better!
07-08-25 21:15:57
DAATHDAVE ::: Favorites
God dayum! Got my assed Kicked!
07-08-22 21:49:46
jortiz42 ::: Favorites
Thank you for your lesson. It's very helpful for me.
07-08-03 22:00:47
manuchamp99 ::: Favorites
cool stuff. Quite nice sounding bass too :)
07-08-01 16:28:43
manuchamp99 ::: Favorites
Pretty much haha.
07-08-01 16:28:04
barret707 ::: Favorites
well at least ur hot nah im kidding ur ot lol i kid ikid keep it up bass is for everyone specialy the bitches lol once again i kid slightly wasted lol no bass no balls
07-07-22 21:33:23
d1i2e3s5e6l ::: Favorites
Ya!! don't fret the pecker heads. The last I checked you don't need a dick to play a bass. Keep up the good work some of us are listening. Oh ya and you are pretty hot haa haa haa.
07-07-01 23:54:31
Rushlover2112 ::: Favorites
07-06-29 23:55:46
theppx ::: Favorites
I love this bass player guitar girl
07-06-20 22:36:55

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