Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Duration: 10:35 minutes
Upload Time: 07-04-02 16:20:09
User: leekiwi0211
:::: Favorites


LoverOfFahrenheit ::: Favorites
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE Calvin, Chen Yi Ru!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE Aaron, Yan Ya Lun!!!!
07-08-21 09:47:35
poniesrulz ::: Favorites
cool!luv fahrenheit!
07-08-10 07:44:19
stupidmuch ::: Favorites
im going to china in like 20 days!
07-07-22 19:41:31
missdottie ::: Favorites
where is the second part? could u gimme a link please?
07-06-10 07:51:20
leekiwi0211 ::: Favorites
sorry, can't post a link in comments. please go to "more from the user" and look for "20070328-AaronCalvin@KUSO-2-1." thanks.
07-06-10 09:25:18
kkkax ::: Favorites
lol hope so too! thats kinda funny(the 3 convo thing) u asian?(curious) lol! i swear aaron is like the perfect guy, except he can't cook! but hey nobody's perfect!
07-06-07 20:24:47
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
lol. yea i'm asian. I'm viet. What about you. Are you chinese? Arron is the perfect guy. I bet if he put his mind to it he could learn to cook. Anyway i'm a great cook (when i feel like it) so that's still not so bad. It's not some horrendous flaw that would ever make me stop liking him. I need one of those so i can stop obsessing lol.
07-06-07 23:39:40
kkkax ::: Favorites
lol yah i chinese! but i can't speak mandarine, but watching these things helps me develop my mandarine skills! its not so bad that he can't cook, since i can't cook either :p
07-06-08 18:44:16
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
haha! i know some mandarin words now so i can sometimes pick out some stuff while watching these shows. Thinking about minoring in it in college. Although i'm probably not saying it with the right accent or something. Cookings easy as long as you follow the directions...unless you're like Ariel's character in ISWAK. Then you would have a problem.
07-06-09 23:46:40
kkkax ::: Favorites
yah i think i am like ariel.... i tried speaking manderine to my mom(she understands)and she's like what language are you speaking cause i no its not manderine! i'm like ok... but i can understand some of it cause it resembles cantonese sometimes
07-06-10 12:12:22
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
LOL! haha that's really funny...at least you can understand cantonese. I can't understand anything but english, viet, and high school level french and german (even less than french). Those don't help me at all with chinese. Well viet a teensy bit but not really. We've totally stopped talking about arron and went to talking about languages lol!
07-06-11 00:48:29
kkkax ::: Favorites
lmao! i can speak french too! well i kinda have to since i live in quebec! which rlly sux. my mom said my manderine is like her english! and let me tell u her english sux, since she's and emegrant! rlly sad T_T
07-06-11 19:30:42
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
haha if i didn't speak viet than the only language i could really speak would be english. Is Fahrenheit really popular in Quebec or do you just know of them and other asian celebs because you're asian. Me...i only know of them because my friend got me into anime haha. My moms an immigrant too. Her english is ok but it sounds funny when she says some things. Like she says tilex mildew like thai lake mountain dew. haha.
07-06-12 02:08:10
kkkax ::: Favorites
lmao! they r not rlly popular... like some ppl no them but not many, but i did manage to find their album in chinatown so they cant be that unpopular
07-06-13 11:27:43
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
OHHH! Yes! when i move back to philly ima look for their album in Chinatown! Where i live now they're so unpopular that it's like they don't even exist. I live in the backwoods of the US lol. Rednecks and all. There aren't any chinese people around here. Their new album comes out in August i think.
07-06-13 14:27:58
kkkax ::: Favorites
i no! i'm like begging my friend to get it for me when she goes bak to china! sadly i have never gone to china! actually i have never left canada! i'm such a sad person T_T
07-06-14 10:52:37
blue3nvy ::: Favorites
ohhh!! can she get me one too??? and their pictorial book if it's not sold out yet? grr i really wished i was chinese cause i want to go there. You've never left canada? really? wow, that sucks... canada's a cool place though...the last time i went there my car got broken into... oh well anyways, i can't wait for their new CD to come out...so excited. Do you like their song with SHE Xie Xie Ni De Wen Rou/ Thank You for Your Gentleness?
07-06-14 13:47:26
kkkax ::: Favorites
yah i luv that song! i asked my mom y we never left the country and she said because we r poor family, geez y do u think i have u working 2 jobs when ur 14! and i'm like that makes no sense since r house is kind a big and u can afford lunch money everyday and kumon(learning centre) at 400$ a month! then she just totally ignored me! meanyT_T
07-06-14 22:27:18
blue3nvy413 ::: Favorites
HAHAHA!!! you're 14? cool. You're working 2 jobs? and you're 14...is that legal? haha your mom sounds like my mom. well except funnier. Asian moms are all alike lol. I live in a pretty big house too and my mom complains that we're broke all the time (we're not cause i confirmed it with my dad). Geesh! I didn't think the fahrenheit part of XXNDWR was all that great at first but it really grew on my and i listen to it every day now haha!
07-06-16 21:54:48
kkkax ::: Favorites
lol me too! yah in canada u r aloud to start working at the age 14. its bad that i have to work too jobs tho since now whenever i want to buy something my money, and the internet fee i have to pay half and one of job's money i cannot use since its savings for my college! so it rlly sux!
07-06-17 00:50:14

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